14. | 𝙴𝚗𝚐𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝 |

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Today's view
🍂 I promise to always be by your side.
Under you.
Or on top
Choice is MINE🍂

°°Let's start°°


| Author's Pov |

Phone 📱

"선생님, 가능한 한 빨리 여기로 와야 합니다. 나에게 무슨 일이 일어날지 모르겠습니다. 지금까지는 그들이 내가 샘플을 가지고 도망간다는 것을 알았을 것입니다"
A man from another side of phone said in his Korean accents, Veer who was standing infornt of a long see through wall of his office, seeing glory of his city in night answered
[Sir, we need you to get here as soon as possible. I don't know what will happen with me. By now they must have known I have run away with the samples.]

"걱정하지 마세요 선생님. 쵸, 나도 곧 그 사람이 될 거야. 그 증거를 안전하게 보관하세요. 지금은 당신이 어디에 있는지 알려주세요. 당신을 보호하기 위해 사람들을 보내겠습니다"
[Don't worry, Mr. Cho. I'll be their soon. Keep those evidence safe. For now, let me know where you are. I will send people to protect you]

"저는 부산 코모도 호텔에 있어요. 201호실" that man who seems to be Mr. Cho replied.
[I am at Commodore Hotel in Busan. Room 201]


With this he cut the call. Sighing deeply he concentrated on a particular building infornt of him, his calm but cold eyes where screaming.

Screaming to tell, this time it's not a cold wind but a tornado. Which will take who, and how much no one knows.

"Send some of our mens to commodore hotel, make sure he and those proofs are safe and sound" he voiced out instructing the person behind him.

That was Siddharth, who was standing thier from a while. Fixing his glasses on nose he replied.

"I think you are not calling off engagement,we only have 7 hours to go." He asked more like said. As it was 4 in morning. And in few hours its his engagement.

"What do you think.!? I will call off the thing i am waiting for so long. Also it's not good, if i will ditch this then i am sure they will be alert, and that's what we don't want"

Veer replied going towards his desk.

"Then!? What we will do, have any plan!?" Siddharth asked, stopping in mid way he stuffed his hands inside pants pocket looking back he smriked

"What we always do.!!"

Listening him Siddharth too smriked, knowing what's going inside his friends mind. Sitting on his chair he took out some papers, arranging them accordingly. Siddharth also started to help him when suddenly something clicked in his mind

"Then what about her!? What you will tell her!!?" He again asked making veer to stop his work, looking up he replied

"It's on me, i will tell her."

"Hmmm, but how, are you talking to her. In my eyes, you are not" Side eyeing him Siddharth said.

"Only to make her understand i am silent till now, off course i will talk to her, It's not like i will be silent my whole life. And you go and bring a box of ferrero rocher" veer also gave him side eye and instructed him

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