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- s h i v i k a' s p o v -

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- s h i v i k a' s p o v -

"You were amazing there, shivika!"

I heard my classmates say as I walked towards the hallway of our college. I thanked them while moving my legs faster. I had received a text from my boyfriend that he would be picking me up from the college as we were going to celebrate my graduation together.

Sonali was not feeling good about it because she never liked Raj, my boyfriend but for me, he was the best. He had given me all the happiness I wanted, i craved in my life. I finally convinced her to let me go and will inform her once I am back at home. She was hesitant but gave in.

She couldn't accompany me as she had to leave for her home today with her parents which I didn't mind because unlike me, she had a family waiting for her to be there with them.

And mine? They didn't even care about me being out at late hours. They just want their house chores done on time, breakfast and lunch on time and that's it. I have completed my college with the help of a scholarship because they won't even spend a penny on my studies until school.

Just because of the property my parents have left behind for me, they were bearing me all this time and still are doing.

I came out of my thought chain when I saw his sports car arriving near the gates of our college. He stepped out of it and leaned on the car frame making me go crazy. I ran towards him and jumped in his arms while he giggled.

"Rajj!! They all were complimenting me a lot specially boys." As soon as I mentioned 'boys' I felt him tightening his grip around my waist. A little too tight it was. I whinced a little but shrugging it off I looked at his face which was serious.

"The boys complimented you? Who the hell were they?" He sounded a little too possessive today. He had been possessive towards me from the very start of our relationship but never have I seen his serious face. I smiled and pecked his cheeks one by one making his muscles relax.

"Chill, raj. They were just classmates. Let's go now, shall we?" I exclaimed, excitedly. A smirk formed on his lips which made me frown but he covered it up with a smile. He nodded and opened the passenger's seat door for me. Such a gentleman man.

I hopped on the car and he came to his place as he started the drive. We talked the whole ride until we reached in front of a bar. Are we celebrating at the bar? But I thought we were going to a restaurant.

I looked at him with my knitted brows but he just gave me an assuring smile. "Don't worry, it's a safe one love. Let's drink and celebrate.". "But I rarely drink, Raj." He knows that i don't drink that much but still he had to celebrate it here.

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