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I sat up, hitting the button on my alarm.

In wasn't in the mood to go to work. At all, I get my phone out. Calling in sick, I would just say I was really nauseous, and couldn't come in.


"Wake up." I felt Tom, rubbing my back gently.

"I'm not in the mood, leave me be." I lift the comforter up higher, over my head. "Please Gia." He began massaging my back gently, I sat up. Looking at him.

"Can you go away, please." I beg, seeing his gaze move to my cheek. It was bruised, and I knew he could see it too. "Just come." Tom pulls on my arm.

"Please go away." I shuffle my feet against the floor.

"I just wanna show you something." He put his hand out for me to take. "Why aren't you at work?" I asked, ignoring his gesture.

"Same reason you aren't, i'm guessing." He responded. "If you're gonna complain about money and not go that's your problem." I raised my eyebrows.

"Just come look, I promise you'll like it." He tugged on my hand a little, I stood up. A small smile beginning to form on his face. "I'm just curious, I don't forgive you."

"Mhm." Tom nods slowly, walking in front me. I stop walking, crossing my arms. "I'm serious Tom." I said, trying to be stern. I don't think it was working though.

"I know, I'm serious too." He laughs a little, throwing his arms up, in defense.

"You threw wads of cash at me, then slapped me. I'm livid, don't get it twisted." I glare. "I didn't mean to, it was just a reflex." Tom explains, shrugging his arms.

"So you're not sorry?" I question. "I am sorry, but if anyone were to hit you, you'd hit back." Tom continued walking to the hall that had the girls room.

"I mean yeah but-" I got cut off, by him opening the door. My eyes shaking in awe.

"It's pink." I pout, happily. Looking around, he had set up the whole nursery.

I lean against the doorway, feeling the tears well up in my eyes. It really was beautiful. Tom wipes the corners of his mouth, standing in the middle of the room.

"I thought about putting the cribs on opposite ends of the room, because it would look better. But then I thought if they woke up at the same time and we were still asleep, then they could entertain each other." He explains, pointing to both cribs.

I lick my lips in, looking at him explain everything.

"I really thought the lights would look nice around the cribs, but you know... they're gonna have the cribs for a little while. So once they're a little older it could become a little bit of a choking hazard." He toys with the fairy lights he had hung up around the window.

"I put the bassinet by the rocking chair, just incase if you're putting one to sleep. Or if i'm putting one to sleep, you have a place to put both." Tom sits in the chair, leaning back as it moves back and forth.

I look over the cribs, seeing their names. "Oh I ordered those a couple weeks ago, it just so happened to have came in this morning." He smiles, grazing his fingertips against the metal signs.

"Kind of sad you won't be here, to see them. Isn't it." I laugh, seeing his face fall. "I'll see them." He smiles, getting up, fixing the corner of the rug.

"How on earth." I fake smile hugely, he pulls out a piece of paper. Handing it to me.

I unfold it, looking at them. "What is this?" I ask, holding it up. "It's a new lease, for an apartment across the street from where the races are held." He replies.

I look up at him, refolding the lease. "Thank you." I whisper, handing it back to him.

"Yeah, and I don't like the neighborhood. So, i've hired some security outside your door, there's a huge window where you can watch everything that's happening. I'll be able to come check in by the hour, we can be out of there by about 2AM." He tilts his head, unsure.

"3AM, at the latest. I promise." Tom reassures.

"You promise?" I sniffle, walking up to him. "I do." He nods. "Okay..." I say, hesitantly. Trying to give him a hug, before getting blocked by the bump.

I stop, looking down at it. "Hmph." I drop my shoulders, annoyed. "You know if we just." Tom pushes his back out a little, crouching.

"No, that still won't work." He huffs.

"Um..." I stand next to him, hugging his side. "Still not close enough." He whines, I pull his arm going to the couch. "Sit." I demand.

Tom sits down, I get on top of him. Sitting in his lap, sideways, hugging him. "There we go." I smile, laying my side against his chest.

He rests his chin on my head, his hands wrapping around me. "Oh by the way..." I look up at him, Tom lifts his chin off, looking back down at me.

"I let it slide once, I will not let it slide again. Touch either of them and I will leave." I say, firmly.

"I wouldn't doubt you mama."

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