Chapter 1

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"Goodbye forever!..."

"Fine. I'm out of here!..."

"Same here!..."

"Guys, please. Come on."

"It's my fault. I ruined everything..."

"NNo, no. Branch, this is not your fault. We're not in sync. We've gone from boys to men, and now there's only one direction for us to go: the backstreets."

"But not you, Floyd? You're not leaving too?"

"Not forever. I'll be back. I promise.
But right now, I have to follow my heart.
It's telling me that it's time to start a solo career."

(Several years later)

Floyd Paused on the rain-soaked sidewalk, the distant sound of a passing car breaking him out of his thoughts. "I hope everyones doing alright..." He took a deep breath, refocusing on the present. He walked a few more feet when the neon sign of a cafe he knew very well came into view. With a slight smile, he approached the building before opening the cafe door, leaving the echoes of the past behind as he stepped into the warm refuge from the rain. 'I could use something warm' he thought to himself with a smile.

Floyd pushed open the door of the cozy cafe, a chill clinging to his bones from the wet and dreary weather. The warm aroma of freshly brewed coffee and hot chocolate enveloped him as he scanned the room for a seat. Approaching the front counter he saw a troll he knew well. "Hey sal! How've you been?!" He asked the owner of the cafe eagerly. "Ahh mr. Floyd! How good it is to see you! IT's cirtenly been a while since you've graced these walls with your presence! But I'm not surprised you've become quite the star young man!" Sal laughed.

Floyd chuckled lightly at the old man's antics with slight embarrassment. "I'm not that big of a star, Sal." He says rubbing the back of his neck. "Ah ah ah! I may be old but I am never wrong!" Sal says moving around behind the counter preparing an order. "In fact! me being old is probably what makes me also right! Anyways! What I'm trying to say is: don't underestimate yourself. Your a wonderful young man and trust me when I tell you that good things are coming your way. It may not seem it now but one day your going to realize that life has put you exactly where you need to be..." the old man looked Floyd gently in the eyes with a smile making sure he got his point across.

Floyd smiled back "thank you Sal i knew it was a good idea to come here tonight..." he chuckled. "Of course! Any time! Now then! Order for one on the house!" Sal suddenly says putting a brown paper bag and a cup of hot chocolate in front of him. "Wait! What! Sal! No, let me pay for this!" He pleaded but the old man refused to see reason. "Ah ah ah! I own this place and I get to decide what happens and I say it's on the house!" He states firmly making Floyd sigh in defeat.

"Fine Sal you win this time." He smiles. "But next time I'm going to pay!" He then smirks, taking the back and cup off the table, when suddenly a beautiful voice cuts through the crowd.
His eyes, were quickly drawn to the small stage in the far back corner of the cozy cafe where a talented musician was lost in the melodies she conjured with her voice. The dim lights accentuated her features, and Floyd couldn't help but be captivated by the way her fingers danced gracefully across the strings of her guitar. As her voice intertwined with the music, a hush fell over the cafe, and patrons turned their attention to the entrancing performance. "Hay? Sal? Who is that girl up on stage?" Floyd asked his gaze only Turing slightly to face Sal.

"Ahh!! That dear boy is (Y/n)" he says, making Floyd's gaze snap back to the old man in surprise. 'That's (y/n)' he thought to himself. She was a famous songwriter who was known to love her privacy in wanting to keep her work life and her life life as separate as possible. Most didn't even know what she looked like. "Yes, such a sweet girl! She comes to sing here every Friday and she's always spoiling the little ones rotten with little gifts when she comes." He laughs, smiling at the girl before turning back to an awestruck Floyd.

"Now don't just stand there! Take a seat and enjoy the music!" Sal scolded with a small smirk at the look on the boys face. "Ah r-right! Thank you again for the food Sal!" Floyd thanked once again before leaving and taking a seat near the stage still in shock. Floyd watched in admiration, a smile forming as he recognized the beauty of a fellow artist lost in the magic of her craft. The food now forgotten as he became engrossed in the harmony filling the air.

🎶 The dreams of young lovers are like a good wine. Surprised by the richnees and sorrow they'll find. Longing for something sweet, come sweep me off my feet. Holding for some change, to take me away. For nothing in life comes free

Oh, hope is a dish far too quickly consumed
Pipe dreams on a plate, I'm simply run-through
All alone, sitting still, a table for two
Bitterness plagues me, but what I am to do?
For nothing in life comes free

You'll see... Never they'll tell me
It's written in the stars; I'll never get that far
I'll spread my wings and fly far from here, reaching for my best
Then finally, my heart will be at rest

The party's about to begin so
Grab all the glasses and bottles you can
Dress up the table, and cheers the end
Of the sorria, the sadness, all the strife we've endured
A new day is coming, those wishes been heard
Oh, sit down and enjoou what's served

A new day is coming, my wishes been heard
So, sit down and enjoou what's served. 🎶

You were beautiful, he thought. From the (f/c) outfit you were wearing to the way you're (f/h/c) hair was styled to the way your voice was warm and velvety and how you seemed to enjoy what you were doing. As if their was nothing else in the entire world you would rather be. When the last note lingered and applause erupted, you looked up, smiling and waving to the small audience before getting up and giving a small curtsy.

You scanned the room one last time before meeting Floyd's gaze. Suddenly like a jolt of electricity a moment of connection passed between the both of you, an unspoken understanding. Floyd felt a warmth beyond the steaming cup in his hands, a shared love for music in the quiet embrace of the cafe on a dreary day.

This is an impulse project to tide me over while I work on my next big project!

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