15# ᴄᴏᴍꜰᴏʀᴛ ɪɴ ᴛᴇᴀʀꜱ

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Jungwon |

I knocked on Sunoo's door, hesitating for a moment before gently entering. The room was dimly lit, and he lay there.

"Sunoo, we can't let this darkness consume you. I have an idea," I began, my voice soft.

"What idea?"

"Jake and Heeseung invited us to spend an evening at their place. It might be good for you. A change of scenery, a chance to be around friends," I suggested.

Sunoo didn't seem very convinced. "Why would I want to go there? Can't I just stay here? You can go if you want to."

"Being around friends, distractions, even if just for a moment, could help you see things more clearly. And, honestly, it's not healthy to stay cooped up like this," I reasoned.

His gaze intensified. "Will he be there?"


"Sunghoon," Sunoo clarified, his voice barely above a whisper.

"No, he won't be there. It's just us, Jay, Jake, and Heeseung."

Sunoo hesitated, but eventually, he sighed. "Fine, I'll go."

"Alright. Get ready for later. Take a shower, and let's try to have a different evening, okay?"

As he reluctantly agreed, I left his room, hoping that this small step could be the beginning of healing for both Sunoo and Sunghoon.


Heeseung |

I decided to check on Sunghoon again, hoping to offer some support. As I entered his house, I found him lying in bed once again.

"Hey, Sunghoon."

"I wanted to talk to you about something. Jake and I thought it might be good for you to spend the evening at our place. It could be a way to clear your mind, be around friends," I suggested, attempting to break the heavy silence.

Sunghoon's expression turned sour. "I'm not in the mood for that. Just leave me alone."

"Oh, come on. It might help to talk, or even just be in a different environment for a while," I pressed, hoping to sway him.

He shot back, "I just want to be left alone."

"Sunghoon, shutting everyone out won't solve anything. You need your friends right now," I urged.

Sunghoon sat up, frustration evident in his voice. "I don't need anyone. Can't you all just leave me alone?"

"We're not leaving you alone because we care about you," I replied firmly. "Isolation won't help you heal. Sometimes, you have to let people in."

"You're hurt, and that's understandable, but pushing everyone away won't fix anything. Come to Jake and my place," I insisted.

"Will he be there?"

"Sunoo? No, he won't. It's just us, Jay and Jake."

Sunghoon sighed, relenting slightly. "Fine I'll come, but I'm not promising anything."


Sunoo |

Getting ready felt like a chore, but I knew that Jungwon was right. Maybe an evening with friends could help.

"Are you ready to go?" Jungwon asked as I emerged from my room.

I hesitated for a moment before nodding. We made our way to Heeseung and Jake's house, choosing to go by bus.

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