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Squirming in my bed, I feel Alastors warm hands around my waist. He is so gentle, that helps me calm down a bit. I slowly blink and stare at the wall for atleast a couple minutes before getting up. I am immediatly forced back to lay down.
''Alastor let me go. I need to get ready for the day.''
''You have a break correct?''
''yeah but-''
''then you dont need to get up just yet.'' Im back on laying on Alastors arms.
I groan.
Alastor blocks my mouth.
"fine.." I relax and slowly Fall asleep..

*Knock Knock Knock*
"Im awake!!" I jump up and go open the door. Its Niffty.
"Oh Hey little one! Need something?"
"Hi Miss.Angel! Im here to just clean your room! you know the usual I do!! hope you dont mind!" She barges into my room and starts cleaning.
"Its fine! I'll go get something to drink to give u some privacy." I walk downstairs. Husker is already up and drinking Booze in his little bar. Alastor is talking to Charlie.
"Well good morning Angel Dust!" Charlie waves at me, and tells me to come talk to her.
"Good morning to you two too!"
"We are getting two new clients today that are gonna stay here for a while since they believe in rehabilitating sinners and are willing to try this out! Hope you dont mind."
"Why would I? haha! And besides, New dick wouldnt Hurt anyone ~"
"Angel." Alastors face turns more serious.
"Fine fine I wont fuck them."
Charlie just smiles and leaves me and Alastor to talk.
"Angel come to my room today at noon. I have something to discuss about." He walks past me. I just turn around and go order a shot from Husker.
"So hows it going kitty?" I ask. Huskers face turns pissed off.
"Fuck off." I giggle.
"Sooo, got any plans for today Husky dear?" I ask.
"Nothing really, how about you?"
"ahh just some work and meeting Val today." I groan.
"You really need to stop going there yk?" He stares at me, serious.
"I know but I wont be able to live!! besides, I got myself into a contract with him so I cant back away! Im bonded for life to him! He has my soul husker."
"I know but you need to understand that whatever your doing is not healthy for you you know!! you seriously need to take better care of yourself instead of getting yourself in these type of relationships!"
"Yeah yeah." I just get up and go back to my room.

"Nuggets do you think Val would like this outfit?" I spin around the body mirror in my room, looking at each part of my body. Nuggets gets up from his bed and jumps to mine. he stares at me and then oinks. I giggle and pick him up.
"Are you sure tho? You know how deep I wanna make him proud right?" Nuggets just oinks again and rubs his face against mine. It makes me smile and I place him to his bed.
"Alright. Behave, daddy will be back later!" I pick up my purse and leave, closing my door and locking it before walking down the stairs to the lobby. I slowly sneak out and walk to the porn studio.

"Gosh where is Angel cakes, his set is in 10mins!!" Val groans. I step into the room and sneak behind him.
"Im here daddy ~" I whisper into his ear, slowly tracing my hands through his chest.
"Good boy Angel Cakes~ go get Ready and meet me backstage."
I leave and go get Ready. I kept on staring at my body, making sure I was flawless and perfect everywhere. I didnt know why, I just did.
A yawn escapes my mouth and I walk backstage to meet Val.
"Your so perfect today ~ Here. Let me help." He fixes my skirt.
"There. Now go there and make daddy some mone- proud!!" He walks away.
"Money as always, fucking liar." I whisper and walk to the set.

Dancing myself off to the Beat, I do some hard and difficult moves to get Valentinos attention.
"Isnt he so good?~" Val keeps smoking his cig, as I finish the set.

Dressing up, currently naked, Val walks into my room and wraps his hands around my naked body, pulling me closer to him. He slowly attacks my Neck, leaving hickeys all over me.
"V-val I need to get r-Ready to leave ~ Its literally m-my break you know?"
"One time wouldnt hurt would it Angel?~ You did so well in the set so I believe you deserve a reward~"
There I was again, tied to my bed, Getting absolutely railed by Valentino, the one I would enjoy least to get fucked. I made him believe i was enjoying it, but after he was done, I just got up and left the stupid studio after I got clothes on. I was fixing my hair and makeup, before bunch of black tentacles wrap around my body and pull me to an alleyway. I tried to scream but my mouth was blocked.
"MHMHMHMHM!!!" I tried screaming.
"Thats helpless. Dont even try Angel dear ~ no one hears you from here, and I dont think anyone really cares about you enough to come looking for you. Just stay quiet and everything will be fine. I'll take good care of you Honey~" I feel myself blacking out, like Im exhaling something toxic from the tentacles. Everything goes black and my body gives out. I collapse to the ground, and then Lose full sight on where I am or whats happening.

Slowly blinking my eyes back to reality, I Find myself in alastors room, my whole naked body exposed with bandages all over cuts. I was also washed since I wasnt dirty anymore. My clothes are also washed cuz I can see them in a clean pile ontop of a chair next to the bed I woke up in. My boots are resting against the chairs foot, and I slowly get up, immense pain forcing me to lay back down.
"Your finally awake." Alastor walks into the room, with a tray of food.
"A-alastor? What happened? I cant remember anything that happened.." Thinking about what happened in the alley made my head hurt so bad, that I was about to throw up.
"Dont worry about it, it was me. I was rescuing you from a couple perverts that were following you. You were bruised so." He sits down next to me and hands me the tray. I immediatly start eating.
"But why? I thought you didnt care alot about my health? I am a Porn star after all.." I swallow my first peice of food.
"I never said I didnt care about you. I do! More than anyone else. Its important to me that whatever you do, your safe and alive, out of trouble and not kidnapped, you know?" I giggle at Alastors respond.
"So.. you-"
"Yes I saw you naked. Dont say anything about it. I had to get you washed and your clothes washed. When I got you to the hotel, you were in very rough shape you know?"
his respond made me slightly blush.
"How long has it been?"
"A couple weeks. I shocked you quite hard there Angel."
"Does Val know?"
"I only told him what was necessary. He also gave you a couple weeks off since he got a new pornstar to get his dick off."
That was shocking but I smiled at it. Then I tried getting up.
"No no no!! Stay laying down. your wounded." Alastor lays me down.
"How long do I have to be like this? Im hideous and I need to get back to work." I ask.
"A couple more days. your wounds have been healing well when you were blacked out."
"Thats too fucking long.." I sigh.
"I have hope and faith in you, Angel dear. Your too passionate about your appearance to others that you forget to take care of yourself." Alastor leans closer to me and tucks a loose hair to its place behind my ear. It makes me flushtered.
"I-I uhm..thank you for Caring about me I guess." I laugh softly, trying to calm down.
"Its alright Angel. Your going through too much anyways."

"So Alastor, before this entire black out thing, you told me to meet you in your room like 2 weeks ago? What did you wanna talk about?"
"I-I that can wait Angel. I dont Want you to worry alot about me right now you know?"
"I insist Alastor. tell me."

{ 1447 words! }

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