Yunan x reader

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In this story you dear reader-chan are a doctor and an herbalist. You are actually one of the best herb doctor in the world (in this story there is like a doctor guild and the herbalists are always like the chilled people in the group sooo.. you are a really relaxed person) you are a really kind 21 year old and you have been studying since you where 8 since your grandmother was a respected herbalist. So I hope you enjoy this story.

"pant pant " you where breathing heavily while running for your life. The people that you have cared for trough out these years even when you where still just learning medicine where now running after you with the intension to kill in their eyes. It was not your fault, how could they even think for a second that you where the servant of the devil trying to kill them. You have healed their children and watched over them for 11 long years. You have tried your best to stop this disease that has been looming over the village but it seems that not even your vast knowledge of medicine can beat this disease.

Their harassment was light at first; being rude and speaking badly about you. Then it started to get worse. Verbal abuse, physical abuse and finally the moment that is playing out right now, attempt on your life.

You arrive at the rift that separates the Dark Continent, you look down and stare in to the nothingness. Then you look behind you and see your former friends and neighbours with their weapon of choose. You back a bit further just a step away from falling to your death. The villagers gather around you ready to attack you.

"Leave me be I have done every thing in my power to help you but even I can't cure all diseases" you shout at them.

"Shut the fuck up you fucking witch we know that you are the one responsible for this disease" shouts your former neighbour.

There is no turnig back now, you can either face the villegers or jump. But even though they have been so mean to you through these weeks, they where still your friends and neighbours. So you jump.

You van feel the wind in your hair as you fall to your death. It feels right, it feels as though you are finally free from this earth. It is as you are hedding to a better place.

It feels like you are falling for an eternity. But just as you are going to hit the ground, you feel a plesent feeling of a yellow cloud embrasing you.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2021 ⏰

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