Ill change the person I am

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Chapter 1 | I'll Change The Person I Am |

"What? Did I do something wrong? Why are you suddenly breaking up with me?" I asked, tears falling down my cheeks. "Nothing, you did nothing Riku. I just. found someone better. That's all" Himari replied.

"So, you're breaking up with me over someone that's better?" Someone better? Who.. Am I not good enough for her? "Who is it?" I questioned crying.

"A friend im my class, I met them a few days ago, I feel excited when I see them. And honestly, I wasn't serious about you. Did you really think I would like someone like you? I mean, look at yourself! Look how fat and ugly you are!" Himari burst out laughing. "I felt bad I'm the beginning, but then I started enjoying playing with your feelings. It was a dare to date you, I'm so disappointed in myself for actually doing the dare. I don't wanna see you ever again. Wait, we might bump into each other at school. Pretend as if we never knew each other. Do you know much I suffered for dating your fat ugly self? I got made fun of it, but when they found out it was a dare for money, they stopped. They still tease me about it though. Anyways, bye loser!" Himari walked away laughing.

This is too much for me to take in. I finally felt loved for the first time in along time. I thought someone actually loved me for who i was, but I guess that wasn't the case. I was just being played. The thing that really hurt me was that I really fell for her act, i thought she liked me.

The next day, I woke up. It's a Monday morning, i dont even feel like going to school. I just wanna stay home all day, i dont have any motivation. I was such a fool. I got a call from my sister, I answer. "Hello?"

"Riku how are you? I know I haven't called you in weeks. I was just so busy" Asuka replied.

"Its okay, I understand if you're busy. I've been... okay. What about you?" I asked. "Ive been good too! Just wondering what's wrong with your voice? You sound like you've been crying. Did anything happen?" Asuka questioned.

"No, I have to get ready for school. Bye" I hung up. I avoided the question. I might as well go to school. I get up and change into my uniform. I didnt get to shower but thats okay. I walked to my school, on the way there. I saw Himari holding hands with a boy. Im guessing thats the guy she was talking about.

I hope 8th grade goes by fast. I walk faster to avoid being near her. I get to class and work on some homework i didnt finish. Class doesn't start until 20 minutes. Something hit me. I was already used to people throwing things at me. "Hey, look over here loser" I heard an unfamiliar voice.

I turned my head and see the boy that Himari was holding hands with. "You dated my girlfriend ? How in the world did you get to date her?" he laughed. Shes already dating him? "Touki, I told you it was a dare. Why would I like him?" Himari replied.

"Himari deserves better, it makes me upset knowing that you dated my pretty girlfriend" Touki said. "Himari, if it was a dare you could've broken up with me months ago. You dated me for 1 year..." I said. "Youre talking back? If I could, I would've. But they dared me to date you for two years, and if I did that. I would've won money. But, you give me the ick." Himari rolled her eyes. I thought she said to pretend not to know each other at school. Look at what she's doing.. "anyways, if I see you looking at her or anything. I'll kill you" Touki said.


8th grade was over, it felt so long. why couldnt it have passed quickly? Everyday day was horrible. It's the first day of summer. Maybe I should try to enjoy myself this summer. I always stay home and eat. Maybe i should be productive. Thats when it hit me. I looked at the mirror. They were right, ugly and fat. Thats what I am. Before I could continue with my thoughts.

i heard a knock on the front door, im home alone right now. I sighed, i went to open the door. Who could be here? Oh, it's my mother. "I forgot my keys, Riku I'll be home late okay? I have lots of work to do. Could you also clean the house a bit?" My mom said. She grabbed her keys, she was rushing. "Yeah I can do that" I replied. "Im leaving, I love you" my mother gave me a smile. I felt better, hearing those words being said to me makes me feel happy. I still have to experience my adult life, I should be someone successful. Will I even be able to do it? I remembered my sister's words. She once told me. "Never give up what you wanna do. If you want something, you have to work for it yourself to earn it. Don't give up so easily, there's always a chance, so encourage yourself. I know you'll be able to do it if you try" she said that to me when I was in 7th grade. I was always bullied in school, but I'm not gonna let that continue. I need to do what's best for me. All summer I was working out, dieting. It was hard, but I did it.

A week before school started, my mom woke me up."son breakfast is ready, also we need to talk" my mother said. I got up and sat at the table with her. I began eating while listening to what she was saying. "You know I'm struggling with money, I'm barely able to pay the bills and barely able to put food on the table for you to eat. So I've talked to your grandma, you're going to live with her for some time, okay?"She said. I nodded.

A LITTLE INFORMATION!!!! Riku has a mother and a sister, their father died a few years ago due to a car accident. Their mother has been struggling with money, Riku's sister lives with their Aunt, which is 30 minutes away. Her name is Asuka, she's one year older than Riku, she also goes to a difficult school.

I lived with my grandma for almost two years, I also went to a new school that was close to my grandmas house. It was the same there, but it was worse. I got bullied worse. But, I didnt let those words or actions get to me. I worked out every single day after school. I made a lot of progress, I grew taller, Im now skinner, a lot more handsome.

A few days ago, i moved back in with my mother, she was shocked when she saw me. I was a whole new person. A better version of myself. I have to go to the high school thats close to my house, im going to 10th grade. Im obviously gonna see those kids who always bullied me.

I put on my uniform, button it up. I put on some perfume, style my hair, and put my shoes on. I look in the mirror and smile. I did it. I finally did it. It took me a long time to lose the weight and to be fit. I entered 10th grade. Today, is my first day as a new person. I arrived at school and head to the office for my schedule. Class hasn't started yet, it starts in five minutes, all the students are already in their class. My home room teacher walked me to the classroom. "Come on in" he smiled a me. Both of us entered the classroom. All the students in the classroom sat down when we entered the classroom. All eyes were on me.. im.. nervous. This is my first time everyone in the class was looking at me. "We have a new student, please introduce yourself" the teacher said. I was so nervous..
"I'm Riku. I hope we can get along".

Thank you so much if you've read my first chapter of my first novel. I appreciate it so much. Big thank you to you guys! Chapter 2 will be released very soon!

Chapter 1 release date: November 27, 2023

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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