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"Yeah she's really cute" Kennedy's nodded answering her dad's question.

"When they letting you take her home?" Francis rasped out, holding his sore throat.

The chemo was taking a toll on him and his energy.

"I'm supposed to sign the birth certificate this afternoon, so soon hopefully" Kennedy responded.

"Well let me know how it goes" He gave her a tight lipped smile.

"Judah and Corey should be here any minute" She mumbled to herself, checking the time displayed on her apple watch.

Not long after, there was knock on the hospital door before it slowly pushed open revealing Judah.

Corey peeked his head out from behind Judah making Kennedy face palm.

Francis wanted to meet the two boys after Ashanti gushed over their first interaction.

"Y'all letting the cold air in" Francis mugged already looking for a reason to not like them.

"My bad" Judah apologized stepping fully in with Corey right on his tail before shutting the door.

"Imma need full names, occupations—all dat" Francis spoke up getting immediately to the point.

"Pa" Kennedy groaned face palming once again making Francis shrug.

"Judah Wills, I do mechanical work here and there" He said telling half the truth.

Judah's maternal grandfather owned a mechanical shop so Judah popped up every once in a while to help out.

"Corey smith, I run errands for people and shit" Corey pursed his lips to the side, that was the least explicit way he could explain it.

"Imma let y'all get acquainted, i'm finna go check on Desiree" Kennedy hopped up out of her chair feeling the energy in the room shift.

She didn't wait for a respond and instead left the hospital room and started making her way to the NICU section of the hospital.

Once finding the door containing all the NICU kids, she walked to the corner immediately pulling her hair back before washing her hands.

Once washing them, she grabbed two new gloves from next to the sink, for extra precautions.

A familiar nurse walked into the room just as she finished drying her hands.

"Hey ken" Joy Smiled pulling down her mask.

The two had gotten familiar seeing as Kennedy made it her mission to come visit Desiree every day.

"Hey Joy" A smile made its way onto Kennedy's face.

"How is she?" Ken asked watching as Joy walked over to the machine Desiree was plugged up too, checking to see if everything was ok.

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