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We were at the apartment

"Okay, before we go in. I just wanted to let you know that I furnished the whole thing." Tom spits out quickly, opening the door.

"Tom?!" I whisper-shout, he was already complaining about money. Now he's buying everything in sight?

But boy did it look nice.

"Oh my god!" I jump up and down, seeing a beanbag like the one we have at the house, in front of the window. "Wait..." I turn my head to him.

"If I get in it, I won't be able to get out of it." I mention, remembering the series of events that happened at the house when I couldn't get up.

"Tom help!" I strain, putting my hand out. He pulled on my hand, trying to tug me out. "Wait! I'm sinking in further!" I whine, kicking my feet.

"Yes, I thought of that." He nods, pointing his finger at me. I saw him pull a step stool out from beside him.

I looked around, it wasn't a bad apartment. It was a one bedroom, though he had decorated everything. Making it feel more homey.

"Sorry the nursery here is kind of basic, it's just two cribs inside a bedroom with a full sized bed." Tom laughs scratching the back of his head.

"That's okay, as long as i'm close to you." I smile.

Tom sits down on the couch, I walk over to the window. Seeing everyone down there already.

"I have to go now, but you can call me or Bill if you need anything. I'll be here as soon as possible." He stands up, I climb up the step stool. Getting in.

"Can you hand me the throw blanket, I wanna watch." I point to it, he grabs it off the couch. covering me up with it. I saw him move down my feet, taking my boots off. "Thank you." I smile again.

Tom leans down giving me a kiss. "If anyone tries to get in that isn't me or any of the guys, Cesar is instructed to tase them." He stands back up.

"Okay, i'm good. Is there food or am I gonna have to order some?" I ask. "Order whatever." He goes into his back pocket, getting his card out from his wallet.

What, you thought I was gonna say no?

Tom hands me it. "Thank you, big daddy." I take it. "Call me if anything!" He shouts, closing the door.

Tom suddenly opens the door again, scrunching his brows at me. "What happened to the Portuguese version of big daddy?" He peeks his head in further.

"I just like big daddy more now." I shrug.

"Okay." He gives me two thumbs up, before closing the door again. I look out the window, seeing him walk out onto the street within seconds.

I lean over, opening the window so I could hear what was going on. "Is she okay?" Bill asks Tom. "She's looking at you right now." Tom laughs.

Bill turns his head, looking up. Smiling and waving. I wave back, returning his smile. "Did you really slap her?" He follows up, Tom looks down to the side.

"Tom! She's pregnant!" Bill hits his arm.

"It was just..." I hear him sigh. "I didn't mean to, she slapped me and it was just reflex." Tom scratches his beard, squinting his eyes at the moon.

"She called me in the middle of the night making sure you were at my house." Bill mentions, oh yeah. I did do that. "I still can't believe you made me sleep on the floor." Tom scoffs, looking him up and down.

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