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- a u t h o r' s p o v -

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- a u t h o r' s p o v -

Standing near the reeling of the terrace, nothing but tears left atharv's orbs. He wasn't a man who shows his feelings too much to anyone or even to himself but it was her who made his heart restless, weak, un-rythemic and scared. The scene that kept flashing into his mind was something that was making it hard for him and his heart.

He never felt anything like this for anyone until her. He has fallen deeply in love with her and that love gives him strength but today, it made him weak. He blamed himself for her situation which wasn't because of him but the monster that has captivated her life into that past which haunts her day and night.

He knew that it was neither his fault nor hers but still his fellow lover's heart blamed him for each thing. He sobbed, real hard not able to wipe the scene flashing in his mind away. He never wanted to remind her about her past which haunts her but to heal whatever happened to her and now, it's all messed up.

Her red skin, her red eyes, her red cheeks, her shivering figure, her wobbling lips of fear, her cracked voice that appeared right in front of his eyes made his heart and mind shout at him for not being able to protect her even now.

'The past is past, it was not in your hands, you cannot change it now but knowing that she was having the attack in the temple too,you left her all alone? Couldn't you make excuses and stay with her? Console her? Give her the comfort she needs? And you call yourself her lover?


You failed, atharv Deshmukh.

Atharv Deshmukh, who never fails in anything, failed to protect the love of his life? And watched her bearing that pain , standing? Shame on you.

His mind shouted at him. Scolded him for leaving her alone after what happened in the temple. He didn't want to leave her but caring about her compatibility, he had to. He has no right to stay with her, console her, give her comfort. Not yet.

"Stop blaming your, atharv."

His trance broke as his mind went quite when he heard sonali's voice. He wiped his tears off, harshly and looked back only yo find his brother and soon to be sister-in-law coming towards him. He lowered his head and turned around, facing the sky.

"Then what else should I do, bhabhi? She was right there, shivering, crying, shouting yet i couldn't feel it, i couldn't protect her while being near to her."

He said. His voice coming out rather cracked which made sonali sigh as she placed her hand on his shoulders making him look at her. He didn't wanted to cry anymore, not infront of them but tears were threatening to fall from his eyes.

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