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I was spread out on the couch, as we watched a movie. "If I became a zombie, would you still love me?" I look up at him, hoping for a good answer.


"Oh." I look down at his lap instead. "If I was an alien?" I add on, looking back up at him.


"If I was me?" My voice cracks, not believing the situation. "I'm just kidding don't cry." Tom laughs, putting his index fingers underneath my eyelids.

"You don't love me?" I tilt my head at him. "What are you on about? Of course I love you!" He throws his hands up, before they land on my arms. Hugging me.

"Don't seem like it." I sniffle, that's when I felt a sudden squeeze around my stomach. "Ah!" I shout, bolting up.

"Okay, you are not that hurt. Stop being so dramatic." Tom rolls his eyes at my loud scream.

"It wasn't because of you, I think... one of them kicked? Maybe?..." I lean up on the couch, holding my stomach. I saw Tom gulp, sitting up as well.

I take deep breaths, three minutes had gone by. Okay, maybe it was gone now?

I felt compression around both sides of my belly, squeezing it in almost. "It's back!" I lay back on the couch, feeling the squeezing feeling go on.

"Gia... there's still almost three more months. You can't be in labor, can you?" His voice squeaks, rubbing my stomach. "I don't know!" I panic, still feeling the pain.

I grunt, as the pressure gets deeper before completely disappearing. "Okay, we're good!" I put a thumbs up, smiling. Tom looks at me worriedly, it felt like I was a bomb that could blow up at any given moment.

"Do you know how to check?" I ask, looking down. "Why would I know how?! I'm just a music teacher in a gang!" He backs up, shaking his head.

"AH!" I scream, feeling it come back. "Okay, that's not kicking. Come on!" Tom shouts, running and getting all of our stuff. "I can't be in labor, nope." I huff, sitting back down. "Get up!" He carries me running to the car.

"Oh my!" I yell, as he runs full speed.


"You're not in labor."

"I told you!" I point my finger at Tom's face. Being reminded of all his screaming, yelling, running, panicking. He even passed out in the lobby.

"So what is it then?" Tom raises his brows at me, before looking to the doctor. "It's called braxton hicks, it's your body practicing for labor. It's very common with twins." He explains, I look to Tom. Giving him a look.

An 'I told you so.' look.

"My bad." He walks over to a chair, molding into it. "When it happens again, if it does... just drink a lot of water and keep your feet elevated." He recommends.

"How do I know if it's braxton hicks or contractions?" I question. "You'll know." He laughs, rubbing my back.

"Off." Tom glares at his hand. "Sorry." The doctor takes his hand off my back, beginning to walk out the room.

"Be nice." I hop off the end of the bed, carefully. He puts his hand out for me to take, helping me get down the step stool.


"What does it do?" Tom holds up the bath bomb.

"Drop it in the water and see." I giggle, playing with some of it. He drops it in, his eyes widening as he sees the bath bomb fizz up.

"Baby." I turn my face a little, to look at his.

"Hm?" He hums, curiously. "I want to do something, but you're gonna think it's silly." I sigh, dropping my arms. "No I won't, what do you want to do?"

"Can we do a couples massage, or OO OO a photoshoot or, maybe-" Tom cuts me off, placing his finger on my lips. I open my mouth, sucking his finger.

"Gia, ew!" He pulls his finger out of my mouth.

"What you don't like it?" I raise my brows, looking him up and down. "You've never sucked your own fingers after they've been in me?" I gasp, dramatically.

"Gia, different time different place." He explains. "Is now the time?" I giggle, holding his hand.

"I don't know, is it?" Tom interlocks both of his hands with mine, kissing gently down my neck. I tilt my head to the right, a little. Giving him room.

I felt him take the palms of my hands, placing it on top of his. As they roamed to my boobs, massaging gently in a circular motion. I moan lowly, being stimulated.

"Your moans are like music to my ears." He whispers in my ear, laughing. Oh I get it, didn't find it funny, but right... music teacher Tom. Which reminds me.

"Do you miss me calling you daddy Kaulitz?" I felt him bring his hand down lower, below my belly.

"Moan it and let's see." He breathes against my neck.

"I'd rather just moan your name instead." I scrunch my face, feeling him glide his fingers up and down my opening. "Don't stay quiet now.." Tom adds on.

"I just want to enjoy it, it'll come." I squeak, feeling him move his fingers down to my entrance.

"Oh baby, they don't want this." I huff, feeling war going on in my stomach. "Do you want me to stop?" Tom asks, pausing all movements.

"Not really, but- fuck." I throw my head back on his shoulder, feeling another one of those damn fake contractions. "Now you can suck." He takes his fingers out, aligning them with my mouth.

"That's some bullshit Tom." I put my fingertips on my temple, feeling aroused due to not being able to finish out my orgasm.

"You don't want it?" He moves his fingers apart in front of my face. "So you think i'm dirty, is that it? You don't want to suck them so you're giving them to me?"

"Shut up, I was being nice." I watch him slide them into his mouth instead. "Mhm, that's what I thought." I cross my arms, yet I was still annoyed.

Just wanted a fucking orgasm man.

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