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----- Y/N's POV

I sit down at my table, and mostly everyone is either asleep, or about to lose it. The other team still seems pretty happy about their win streak, but I just REALLY want them to be quieter. Chris walks up to us as I'm eating, trying to start conversation. "Duncan! You look like total shit, dude. Hilarious, since it was you who flunked it last minute on the toilet." He laughs, mocking him. Me and a couple others start snickering too, since imagine falling asleep in a gross place like the COMMUNAL TOILETS. The amount of times I've seen unflushed shit in the toilets makes me wanna puke. "If you don't shut the fuck up, I'm going to stick this spoon up your ass." Duncan replies, referring to the spoon he's using to play with his food. Courtney rolled her eyes, which had major bags under them. "I could barely sleep last night, since Harold's snoring sounds like he's constantly screaming in his sleep. I could hear it from the other cabin." She says, stabbing her fork into the table lightly.

"Ugh, I know right? My worst nightmare is probably realizing I snore." Katie says, fixing her hairbands. "OH EM GEE. That's MY worst nightmare, too! Other than bad hair." Sadie looks at her. Both of them look at me next, as they sit infront of me. "Y/N! What's your worst nightmare? I bet you don't have one, since you're so cool." Katie flatters me. "Yeah! We would love to hear it! I-If you have one, that is." Sadie also flatters me. "Awwwh.. It's nice that you think I'm not scared of stuff, but yeah, my worst nightmare is probably having a centipede crawl on me or something. All those weird legs..." I grimace. 

--- Confessionals ---

Y/N: Centipedes aren't all that good, but they also aren't my worst nightmare. I guess my real one would have to be bad luck. Things that are out of your control, no matter how hard you try to be good. Gosh, imagine if I got voted out of here that way? As if.


Katie: I get it, asking that is more of a sleepover question, but I just HAD to know! They're so amazing. Nothing compares to Sadie though!

--- End ---

"None of you realize this is public, right?" Courtney asks us. "Yeah, that's more of a sleepover 'what's your deepest secret?' type stuff." Bridgette adds on. "OOOO! Then let's have a sleepover like that later tonight! It'll be super duper fun." Sadie asks, and I nod eagerly. "Sounds SO fun! I can't wait." I tell them.

The rest of us hear the door open, and I didn't realize Harold wasn't here until now. And MAN, imagine not looking in the mirror before you go out. I burst out in laughter, and some other people do too. "Hey, Why's everyone laughing?" He asks. Geoff stops laughing for a moment and points to some marker all over his face. "You.. uh.. got a little something there." Before Harold could remark, Gwen walked in, stumbling a bit after each step. The other team cheers for her, clapping. Lindsay looks at me confused. "Yayyy! Um.. Y/N, why are we cheering?" She asks me. "Oh! Um, well, you guys won cause of her. She's super good at this, I really admire her." I say, and Lindsay widens her eyes in realization. "Ohhh.. But, you're still super smart. I'd never figure that outtt! You're the best, Y/N!" She hugs my arm, and I blush a bit. 

--- Confessionals ---

Heather: I told her to stop trying to get with Y/N! They're on the other team, she's practically cheating on our alliance. What if she already has an alliance WITH them? Ugh, she is so close to getting booted. 

She pauses for a second, then her eyes light up.

Heather: OH! Maybe she's a genius! She's probably getting them on our side so we could get them off! Or have them join us as a spy, since they ARE a good asset. Lindsay, I'm so glad you had that one little shoe shaped brain cell in your head work for once. 


Lindsay: I wish Y/N was on my team, so we could share a cabin! Tyler's nice, yeah, but Y/N! Maybe I could get them in the alliance.. THEN WE WOULD MAKE IT TO THE FINAL THREE!

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