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"I miss him." I huff, looking at him talk to whoever the hell. Sakura? I don't know.

"We can play a game?" Suzette suggests, shrugging her shoulders. "I'm gonna go pee, I can feel one of them literally sitting on my bladder." I begin to waddle away to the restroom.

"Enough with the braxton hicks, i'm not believing you!" I roll my eyes, poking my belly gently.

I finish up my business in the bathroom, walking back out. "Are you sure they're braxton hicks, it's been happening for the past hour." Suzette mentions.

"No i'm fine, this happens like every two weeks." I sigh, sitting back down on the couch. "How far apart are they?" She asks, I squint my eyes. Thinking about it.

"Like fifteen minutes." I shrug. "Well i'm gonna time them, if they get up to five minutes we're calling Tom."


"AH!" I scream, huffing and puffing.

"Okay, it's at six minutes." She stops the timer on her phone. "No, you said at five... fuck!" I whine, as the feeling gets worse. It had never hurt this bad.

"What's he doing?" I nod towards the window, holding my belly. "Still talking." Suzette opens the window.

I slowly walk over, beginning to eavesdrop.

"I already fucking told you, i'm not doing anything with prostitution." Tom shakes his head, aggressively.

"Think about the money, it would get more then the trading." A guy nudges his shoulder. "We already get enough money trading, i'm not gonna give you women to rape and abuse!" Tom yells, pushing him back.

Yay Tom.

"I'm having your babies!" I shout, sticking my head out the window. I saw him whip his head my way.

"I gotta go." He pushes Bill forward towards the guy, beginning to run to me instead. "Wow, he doesn't even know if I was lying or not." I laugh.

"Oh my god!" I shout, plopping back down on the couch. "Now?!" He asks, running inside. "Now." I nod.

"Oh my god!" He shouts back, pacing around.

"They're almost here the girls- m- my girls! They're are you sure- it's real? Breath! Tom... WOO!" He starts to breath in and out, calming himself.

I saw him start shaking his body, getting all the jitters out. I look to Suzette in confusion, weirdo.

"Okay, we're good. Let's go!" He claps his hands, stepping outside. Slamming the door shut.

"Are you forgetting something?!" I shout, tilting my head. "Oh right." Tom marches back in, grabbing everything. Leaving.... again.

"Not quite!" I yell again.

"Oh he's a mess, good luck. I'll come visit, I promise." Suzette smiles, rubbing my shoulder. "PAIZÃOO!" My voice goes raspy, as it exits at full volume.

"Oh, sorry i'm like. My mind is way over there, and i'm over here." He trills his lips, walking over to me.

I walk down the stairs carefully with him, walking past all the big beefy men. "Hi guys, look." I point to belly, smiling. "No we don't like them." Tom whispers.

"Oh BOOO!" I stick both thumbs down, walking inside the car. As all of them watched me.

I wait for him in the car, as he says goodbye to a bunch of people. I see him begin to dab some people up, smiling and nodding, making conversation.

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