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_~          Kazuha POV          ~_
              -         ~•~         -

God, my head hurt.

What.. happened..?

I woke up with a sickening feeling, only to find Heizou sleeping on the couch. Oh yeah, I invited him over for a sleepover.

Wait, I also invited Scaramouche over, I think? Did he leave? Last night.. me, him, and Heizou were drinking. I guess that would explain the nauseating feeling I have right now.

I was startled to hear rustling, quickly turning towards the sound. I saw Scaramouche walking back to the living room, he was most likely just using the restroom.

I smiled at him, I honestly was surprised someone could look this good in the morning after getting drunk. "Morning, Scaramouche." I beamed, yawning as I sat up completely to get better look at him.

I guess he had changed last night, since he wasn't wearing what I remembered. He was wearing a very, very oversized gray T-shirt and shorts. Quite the contrary to what he worse last night, though the monochrome color scheme still seemed to remain.

"Morning." Scaramouche said, bluntly. I've noticed that Scaramouche tends to either be blunt or nervous, depending on his mood. I guess what Childe said back in detention was partly true, Scaramouche did seem to get a little annoyed sometimes. But he isn't that bad..

"Is there anything you want for breakfast?" I asked, thinking of what I should make for breakfast. I had both Heizou and Scaramouche over, so I would have to actually make breakfast, instead of just eating a protein bar.

"I was planning on leaving soon, so I don't think I'll be staying for breakfast." Scaramouche gave me a small, polite smile. It was kind of cute, but I really wanted him to stay. It seems I've taken a liking to him, even after only knowing him for a day.

Wait a minute. Did I just call him cute? I mean yeah, he's attractive, but calling him cute makes it seem like I have a crush on him or something.

"Noooo... please stay Scaramouche.." I begged, my lips pulled back in a pout. Scaramouche's face seemed to slightly relax, he sighed.

"Fine. But not for long." Scaramouche said hesitantly. I know I probably shouldn't beg him like this, since he obviously wanted to go home. I just.. really want him to stay.

I smiled at his response, the corners of my lips upwards with a gentle gaze. Happy that he was going to stay, I stood up and walked to Scaramouche, my height a few inches taller as I stood in front of him.

I was a bit close. I could feel his breath on my skin from how close we were standing. My eyes darting to lips- No..! I mean, his face. I stared at his face to maintain conversation. That's all there is to it.

"So, what do you want for breakfast?" I asked, grinning. I saw Scaramouche do a slight disappointed expression at my question.

"I'm not a breakfast person." Scaramouche answered bluntly once more. I don't know how Scaramouche isn't hungry, since he didn't eat anything last night. I didn't want to probe though, so I just smiled and walked to the kitchen.

My kitchen was nothing big, considering the fact that my aunt was a cheap, old lady. I couldn't blame her though, it's not like she wanted to take care of me. Money can be hard to earn, I get that.

No excuse to treat your nephew like shit though.

Anyhow, I started to work on making breakfast in the kitchen. I decided to make pancakes, because it's something that I knew both me and Heizou liked, and I didn't want to make something only I wanted to eat.

Once the pancakes were made, I placed a plate with 5 pancakes on the counter. Taking 2 of the pancakes, I left the rest for Heizou.

Come to think of it, I should probably go wake up Heizou now.

I walked over to the living room, where Heizou was sleeping peacefully on the couch. "Heyyy.. Heizou.." I shook his shoulders, trying to awake him. He drowsily opened his eyes, his hair was messy.

"I'm awake..! I'm awake.." Heizou said, pushing my hands off of his shoulder as he slowly sat up. He huffed a big yawn before finally seeming like he was actually awake.

"You slept till noon.." I sighed, giving him a look of disapproval. I turned to Scaramouche who was awkwardly sitting on the floor. "Why don't you sit on the couch, Scaramouche? There's enough space for you since Heizou got up." I smiled at him, trying to be polite.

Once I said those words, it felt like Scaramouche was radiating some sort of negotiable emotion. I couldn't exactly pin point what it was, or if he was really even admitting it, but the closest thing I could it was 'disgust'. I don't know why, but it often seems as if Scaramouche is uncomfortable around Heizou. I wonder if this has to do with them being friends in junior high..?

Though, the emotion that Scaramouche admitted was almost transparent. It was hard to tell if he was even feeling that way. Still, I felt there was some unease in his person.

"I'm okay." Scaramouche replied to my offer bluntly. The way he responded felt as if it almost confirmed my thoughts. I'm starting to really wonder if anything happened between them. I guess I should ask another day.

"Ah, that's alright then I guess." I grinned at Scaramouche before sitting on the floor next to him. I didn't want him to feel like an outcast, and Heizou is probably fine with it since I spend like 90% of my waking days with Heizou.

"Kazuhaaa..." Heizou groaned, slumping back into the couch. "Sit with meee..." He whined, though I'm not going to budge. I guess he happened to sense my stubbornness, and decided to plop down onto the floor next to me.

Though Heizou wasn't sitting next to Scaramouche, as I was in between the two, I felt Scaramouche slightly twitch when Heizou sat down. It's making me a bit concerned, why was Scaramouche so wary of Heizou? They were old friends, weren't they? Did they have a falling out or something..?


Words: 1041

Thank y'all for reading so far! (≧∀≦) I'm sorry that this chapter took so long to come out, especially since I just came out of hiatus. I internally cringed while writing this, but I hope y'all enjoyed it! (I didn't)

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