matt - eating out

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Matts POV:

I laid next to y/n. she was so beautiful even if she was just on her phone snuggled in bed. I slowly took the phone from her placing it on the bedside table as i crawled on top of her. she chuckled "whatcha doing" she said smiling. "showing my girlfriend how much i love her" I said before placing a soft kiss on her lips.

 My hand run down to her hip as the other caresses her neck. I leave love bites all down her neck to her collar bone, loving the noises that escape her lips as i do this. I reach her chest as my fingers rub circles round her breasts. she looks down at me as i look up. she gives me a little nod for consent as i push up her shirt revealing her bra.

it was lacy and light pink with a little bow in the middle. So innocent and pure, yet it only made me want to destroy her innocence even more. "has anyone seen you like this before?" I say my fingertip brushing against her hardening nipple through her bra. "N-no" she hesitantly huffs out with a quivery moan underneath her breath.

My hand slips down underneath her shorts as I rub light circles around her clit over her panties. "Has anyone touched you like this before?" I ask my eyes piercing up at her. She whimpers at the feeling, her eyes closing. "Hm?" I hum wanting an answer from her "" she says making me grin.

"Do you want to feel good pretty girl?" I ask as I start to speed up my rubbing making her let out whiney moans. She nods needily as I chuckle getting on my knees. I grab her thighs pulling her to the edge of the bed as I bring my face to her crotch.

I slip off her shorts to reveal the wet patch on her panties "mhm soaked huh?" I tease making her blush. I slip her panties off too as I bite my bottom lip at the sight. Her pink pussy glistening with arousal, dripping out of her.

I waste no more time licking a long stripe through her wet folds. Licking up every drop of her juices before latching my lips on her clit making her yelp. Her hands grip my hair making me groan against her clit sending vibrations to her core. I push in one of my fingers into her pussy as I flick the tip of my tongue agaist her clit. Her moans and whimpers only motivate me to pleasure her more.

"F-fuck matt im gon-gon" she moans as I see her legs start to twitch, she was close. I start to eat her out like an animal, devouring her pussy. Her juices covering my mouth and nose as I hear an animalistic moan leave her lips. Before I knew it I tasted the salty cum running onto my tongue.

"Mhm good girl" i softly say licking my lips before kissing her. I ran my tongue through her pussy making her whimper from the slight overstimulation as I make sure not to waste a single drop of her release.

She pants as she spots my raging boner from eating her out. She brings her hand down and starts palming me through my pants. "Your turn" she says her face looking so innocent yet so dirty.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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