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I watch the dimly lit light flicker, it must've been broken. "Gia." Tom says, trying to get my attention.

"Hm?" I say, turning my head towards him. "Nina's hungry." He holds her up a little. "Okay swap." I hand him Aliyah, as he hands me Nina.

I unbutton the gown with one hand, holding her with the other. She immediately got a grip, beginning to suck the life out of me.

"Aww, she's just like me for real." Tom pouts, I look up. Glaring at him. "Sorry." He quickly looks down.

"I love you Tom." I smile, rocking Nina in my arms as she eats. "That was so random." He laughs, nudging my shoulder. "It's true though, even though you were clueless. Almost the entire time..."

He began to glare at me a little.

"Even though you had no track record of anything that was happening, you were there. The whole time, and I couldn't have asked for more." I sniffle, caressing his cheek.

"I love you, everything I need is right here." Tom sends me a big goofy smile. "I can't drink wine, while i'm breastfeeding." I pout, looking at the bottle.

"I can go get you the pump from at home?" He suggests, I sigh shaking my head. "I need you here, it's okay." I lean my body against his, into the bed.

My brows furrow, hearing a some knocks on the door.

"It's like one in the morning, if it's not a doctor then who the hell is it." I laugh.

I see Bill peek his head in.

"Sorry, I know it's late but I was so busy dealing with the mess Tom made all day." He whispers, coming inside. "What mess?" Tom asks, confused.

"You argued with a leader then pushed him then left." Bill explains, shutting the door gently.

"Oh, wanna hold a baby?" Tom holds up Aliyah, smiling huge again. "Please." He runs over, putting his hands against his mouth.

"Don't look at Gia." Tom says, sternly.

"I wasn't looking anyways, but now that you've mentioned it." Bill smirks, grabbing her.

"I will hurt you."

"Okay, i'm just feeding a baby. Let's calm down." I rub Tom's shoulders. "She's so cute!" Bill squeals, sitting in a chair. "Now i'm babyless." Tom sighs.

"I wish I had boobs." He trills his lips, looking at her eating. "I think she's asleep." I whisper, covering myself back up gently.

Tom stands up, putting his arms out. I give her to him gently, watching him take her to the hospital bed thingy. I don't know what it's called, but it's for her.


"Nope, they're both wide awake. No sleeping now." Tom laughs, looking at both the girls staring at us wide eyed. "It's about to be 4AM." I whine, rubbing my eyes.

"Fuck me." I screw my eyes shut, feeling the need to pee. "We don't use such language." He motions to the girls with his eyes.

"I have to pee." I turn my head to him.

"Um..." He bends down a little, pressing the nurse call button. "I don't wanna get up again." I tilt my neck up, thinking about the pain.

"Is everything okay?" A nurse walks in, opening the curtain. "I have to use the restroom." I sigh, licking my lips in. "Oh i'll help you." She smiles, walking over.

"I can help her, just... hold the babies." Tom jumps in.

"It's okay, she can help me." I reassured. "No i'm gonna help you." He shakes his head, being stubborn.

"Okay, i've got them." Nurse Blake agrees, taking Aliyah first, then Nina. I saw her sit down in the rocking chair, rocking with them both in her hands.

Tom walks over, taking the blanket off. I was about to begin crying, it may have seemed a little dramatic, but there was nothing more I hated then pain.

I hated puking, and I hated pain. I didn't have a high pain tolerance. It sucked.

He moves my legs to the edge of the bed, letting them dangle. I let out a small grunt, turning my body.

It hurt, really really bad.

I place my fingertips on the bed, helping myself move to the edge a little. I turn a little to the left on accident, letting out a big wince.

He crouches, putting his hands on my knees as he looks up at me. "Are you okay?" He asked, calmly. I bite my bottom lip, shaking my head no.

"It feels like the incision is tearing every time I move and I really have to pee." I felt a tear slide off my face, maybe I was being childish, but it hurt, a lot.

"I got you." He stands up, grabbing both my hands.

I rest my head on his shoulder, getting up slowly. "Fuck." I bang my forehead a little, as more tears began to fall. "Gia don't cry." Tom whispers, stroking my hair.

"I'm gonna pee myself if we don't hurry up." I laugh lightly, he stands by me. Wrapping my arm around his neck as he helps me limp, to the bathroom.

"I can't do it." I look down at the toilet, I knew the pain that would go through me once I sat down.

"You can do it, it's just temporary. I promise." Tom rolls my gown up, I take baby steps, sitting down carefully.

Tom let's go of me, I put my hand underneath my nose. Just barely covering my mouth. "I can't." I shake my head, closing my eyes. Feeling more tears fall.

"Just pee, and i'll help you." I heard him sniffle, turning around. "Why aren't you looking at me?" I heard small sniffles exit out of him.

"Just pee." He waves me off, leaning against the wall.

"Come here." I say, motioning my way. "I can't watch you be in pain Gia." He admits.

"Is that why you're crying?" I question, finally peeing. I couldn't hold it in any longer. "I'm not crying, real men don't cry." He clears his throat, turning around.

"That's bullshit." I giggle, pulling him down to my level. "I've missed you." I wrap my arms around his neck, hugging around his head tightly.

"I've always been next to you, it's always been just the two of us. Well... four now." He says, muffled as I played with some of his hair.

"I don't want to get up, but we also have babies in the room. With a nurse that I don't trust, what experience does she have? Tom what if she eats my babies." I whisper that last part.

"Why would she eat your babies?" He whispers back, lifting his head up to look at me.

"I don't know."

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