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Waiting anxiously in the open garage, Tom kept an eye out. Where is she?? Grrr- this waiting is gonna drive me nuts! Tom thought continuously pacing

Moments later a truck parked infront of the garage.
Toms heart sped up feeling an uneasiness wash over him seeing Ari step out of the truck. Looking at her face relaxed Tom who shared a hopeful grin while she reluctantly made her way over.

"Hey, Tom," she said forcing a smile in return.

"Ari, you said there was something urgent?" His smile faded noticing the lack of eye contact, he looked behind her at the driver Of course Mari drove her here. looking at Mari made his stomach ache.

"Yeah... please believe me when I tell you that I never wanted to hurt you," she put her hands behind her back looking down, "But our homes can't work together anymore, I hope you understand that."

Wait...what? What is that supposed to mean!? Toms eyes narrowed at Ari, "What are you saying?" He said with unease.

"I'm so sorry, Tom-" POP! She pulled out her pistol shooting him in the abdomen, "Mari told me who you are, that you can't keep me safe like I deserve to be."

Tom fell to his knees, a mix of shock and unbelief flooded his mind looking up to Ari, "And you believe her?" He blurted out clutching the hole in his stomach, "I promised- YOU promised we would get through this together!"

Ari looked away blank faced tearing up, "I'm sorry it had to be this way, but I can't trust that you won't do something in retaliation." Placing the gun back in her back pocket she walked away.

Tom fell forward grabbing her leg with his bloody hand, "p-please don't go, don't do this-" he pleaded looking up to her with his eyes teary.

She yanked her leg away and climb back into the truck, Tom looked up at the truck groaning in pain locking eyes with...Mari. You. I can't believe you would do this. He tried watching them drive away but his vision started to fade from blood loss.

Laying there in a pool of his own blood and tears, Tom couldn't bear himself to try and move, "Please no..." he repeatedly cried under his breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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