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"She won't stop crying! She'll wake her sister up!" I rock Aliyah in my arms, hearing her screams.

I suddenly heard Nina start crying.

"Oh my god." I whine, throwing my head back. Tom walks over, carrying Nina. "Maybe she's hungry?" He asks, rocking Nina now.

"I don't fucking know, i've already tried!" I lift her butt up next to my face, sniffing. "She's clean, fed, she just won't stop crying." I kept rocking her, walking back and forth around the room.

"Maybe, you're just not feeding her right." Tom walks over to me, trying to stuff my boob in her mouth.

"That hurts me, stop it!" I smack his hand away.

"See, she's eating now." He rolls his eyes, continuing to rock Nina in his arms.

"Here wait, i'll do skin to skin." He places Nina in her crib, taking his shirt off. "Damn, paizão. Since when you got all that going on." I laugh, checking him out.

He undresses her in the crib, grabbing a small blanket. Tom picks her back up, letting Nina rest on his chest. As he sits in the rocking chair.

"See, now she's quiet." He pats her head down gently.

I don't know since when was a man with a baby so attractive. I just wanna eat him.

"Why are you staring at me." He leans back and forth, staring at me back. "I should switch places with her." I lick my lips in, seeing his broad shoulders.

"Okay creepy, that's enough." Tom looks me up and down. "You don't think, I can bust it down with a baby in my hands?" I gasp, dropping it low.

"Oh wow." He raises his brows, as I stand back up.

"Just two weeks ago, you couldn't squat to use the bathroom. Now you're trying to seduce me, while i'm putting my child to sleep?" Tom gasps as well.

"I told you, I love dilfs." I notice Aliyah, beginning to go a little limp. I tuck myself back inside my shirt. "Is it my turn?" He asks, noticing that Nina fell asleep.

I set Aliyah down gently, going over to him. He hands me Nina, I place her in the other crib. As Tom continued sitting in the chair.

"You want a turn?" I unclasp my nursing bra, sitting on his thigh.

"When have I ever not wanted one." He dives his head underneath my shirt, kissing upwards.

"Do it, I dare you." I giggle, Tom takes his head out. Taking my shirt off instead, was he actually gonna...

He moves my leg to the other side of him, placing his hands on my ass. Getting up, I wrap my legs around his waist, moaning lowly as I felt my nipples grazing his chest. "Two more weeks mama." He reminds.

"Doesn't mean, I can't have fun." I kiss down Tom, neck. Rubbing my hand down his chest.

He sits down on the couch, me still in his lap.

"Tom are you actually gonna-" I look my boobs, that had been leaking a little milk.

"Baby, have you ever doubted me?" He cupped under one of my breasts, putting it in his mouth.

I moan loudly, feeling him squeeze. As I produced more, I had no idea what was going on. I wasn't expecting this.

"Tom, oh my-" I throw my head back, as he moves on to the other. "Ah!" My chest rises up and down, I wasn't being serious before. But, I was now.

Tom places his hand on my lower back, letting me lay down. "Do it again." I cross my legs around his back, pulling him down deeper.

"You like this mama?" He licks upwards, resting his tongue below my my nipple. letting it dribble in.

"I'm!" I arch my back, feeling his warmness surrounding it. Getting me stimulated. "Just... keep doing it." I lean up on the couch, looking at him.

His lips suction around, sucking harshly.

I breath heavier, feeling the pulsation in between my legs. "Less clothes, please." I whine, tugging his pants down. Tom lifts his mouth off, as his lips puff up.

I look at him confused, seeing him dive in for a kiss.

His lips curve into an O, dropping it in my mouth instead. I felt him lick my tongue, as it went down my throat. "Oh my god." I dig my nails into his shoulders.

"Mama, I can't go in. You know this."

"I can't, I need it." I screw my eyes shut, as my nipples stayed rock hard. They were still... leaking.

"What if you tear a stitch?" He huffs. "I don't care what happens, please." I kept my eyes closed, begging.

"I haven't had sex in three months, we haven't had sex in three months." I add on, as a knot builds up in my stomach. Awaiting him.

"Fuck." He groans, pulling on my pajamas.

I lean up, taking his boxers off. Stroking him, I place my palm just above his base. Squeezing as I tap my fingers. He lowly grunts, as his cock grazes me.

I let go, letting him position himself.

Tom rubs his tip, up and down my opening before pushing into me. "Uh!" I moan, feeling him thrust deeply. "Don't go hard please!" I place my hands on my stomach, as he goes in and out.

"I'm trying." Tom groans. "Just pull out, it fucking hurts!" I bang my forehead with my palm, not getting the orgasm I wanted. Again.

Tom takes himself out, breathing heavily. I knew I wasn't the only one getting hot and bothered.

"Fuck, i'm sorry." I bite on my finger, feeling empty.

"We can wait two weeks, time goes by quick." He reassures, plopping on the other side of the couch.

"You should do that more." I giggle, grazing my thumb against my nipple. I was overproducing, it would always leak through my clothes.

It was quite annoying.

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