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I woke up.

With my mouth on her... whatever. Anyways.

I smack my lips together, tucking her boobs back in her shirt. That was odd... don't know how that happened.

I cover Gia up, kissing her forehead. Before going to the bathroom, I wasn't gonna get ready. We were both on leave, because of the babies.

Sadly, there's no 'leave' in the gang, so we'll be going back together, tonight.

I just brushed my teeth, and washed my face. I don't care much about clothes, i'm with my wife and kids.

Who cares, right?

I walk back out, putting only socks on. The floor was cold, I make my way to the nursery. Checking out if they were awake, they woke up a couple times last night, but nothing we couldn't handle.

I smile to myself, seeing them peacefully sleeping.

I usually found all babies to look like aliens, whenever I would see someone's newborn... i'd have to keep it to my best abilities to not laugh in their face.

But my girls.... my girls were perfect.

Of course they were, Gia was their mom after all.

I close the door, walking to the kitchen. I was craving... hm, cereal maybe.

I get the box from on top of the fridge, putting it on the island, before grabbing milk from the fridge. I get a bowl, pouring the cereal in first.

I walk over to the first drawer across from the sink, getting a spoon and going to sit down. I take the milk, dumping some in the bowl as well.

I began eating quickly, hated soggy cereal. Gia loved it though, for some weird reason. I mean whatever, i'll still love her.

I sniffle, dryly. Just felt like doing it honestly.

My mouth turns into a grin, hearing Gia make her way over here. Yay, she'll make this more fun.

"Hey mama, how'd you sleep?" I look up, seeing her stretch her arms out, scrunching her face up as she yawned. I don't think anyone would understand the love I held for Gia, it was unconditional.

She stayed with me, through good times and bad. Helped me manage my anger, and gave birth to my two girls. I've been a difficult person to love, I knew that.

Every time I would think back to last year, nonstop yelling at her. Berating her, all because she couldn't kill a person? It didn't make sense to me, I was an ass.

I never wanted to be that person, ever again.

"G-ood?" Her voice cracks, looking at me. "Tom." Gia followed up. "Gia." I respond, smiling. "What are you doing?" Her brows furrow, looking at me.

"Just eating breakfast?" I say, confused.

"With my breast milk?" She walks up to the island, picking up the pouch of milk.

"What?" I scrunch my brows, looking at my bowl of cereal. "Tom!" Gia whines, putting it back in the fridge. "I didn't know, my bad." I shrug, taking another bite.

"Okay, stop it now." She puts the spoon down.

"It tastes the same! Whatever, it came from you. I'm eating it, I've licked every inch of your body before. Why should it be different now?" I argue.

"Cause, it's weird." Gia laughs, sitting down next to me. "Okay, now my next question is... why are you butt booty naked eating cereal?" She looks at me again.

"I'm wearing socks!" I defend.

"Also, it wasn't weird last night. You seemed to have been enjoying it." I raise my brows, pointing down at her chest. "Yeah, I liked it." She agrees.

"Well, then." I put my spoon in the bowl, taking it back to the sink. "Can you put your ass crack away? It is like 8AM, there is no need for all of that." She covers her eyes with her hands.

"You know you like it." I laugh, walking back to her.

"Please, I don't like seeing it when it's soft. It's so dangly." She shakes her head, shuddering.

I look down, jumping a little. "I guess it is?" I squeak. "Baby." Gia smiles, resting her elbows on the counter. "Hm?" I hum, sitting down. Copying her.

"Can I get a hug?" She asks, still smiling.

"I guess? Why?" I stand up, Gia stands up immediately jumping on me. "What's going on?" I laugh, taking a couple steps back.

"I remembered, that... I haven't gotten a good hug. In ages, because my bump was blocking it. But now! There's only pudge, which will hopefully go away." She mumbles, nearing the end of her sentence.

"I like the pudge." I chuckle, placing my hand on her stomach. "It's not meant to be there." She trills her lips.

"Why do you want it to look like your body hasn't gone through this amazing thing, you gave birth. To two babies! You held two little girls, in there. For eight months, that's crazy!" I raise my voice a little.

I set Gia on the island, watching her stare at me.

She begins playing with my facial features a little, sighing. "You think so?" She asks, pulling me back into another hug. "I know so." I say, against her shoulder.

A sudden crying was heard.

"That's my cue." Gia holds my face, giving me a kiss. Before hopping off the island, she suddenly winces in pain. "Oh that one hurt, just a little." She holds her side. Standing there for a moment.

More crying.

I began walking behind her. "Oh Tom?" Gia pauses, I stood there confused. The babies were crying. 

"Thank you."

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