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"They're so cute!" Suzette squeals.

"I'm not biased cause they're my babies right? They're actually cute?" I laugh, covering my mouth with my knuckles a little bit.

"I love them!" She had been already waiting in the apartment, when I walked in she was here. I knew she was excited to meet them.

I put the double stroller on break, Tom takes both the car seats out. Setting the girls down. "I'm serious Gia, anything happens. Call me, I need updates." He raises his brows, walking over to me.

"We're here!" Gustav and Georg sing, making an entrance. "Uncle Bill has the flu, so he cannot see them, but we can!" Gustav squeals as well.

I take Aliyah's car seat, setting it on the coffee table. Unbuckling her first, I take her out carefully. Looking at Gustav, Georg, and Suzette waiting for a turn.

I give Aliyah to Gustav first, raring a 'WOO!' from him.

I take Nina, unbuckling her as well. "Rock paper scissors." I laugh, looking at them both.

They turn to each other, Georg threw scissors, she threw paper. "Mine!" He puts his hands out, I gave her to him gently, giving an apologetic look to Suzette.

"Ah shit, they're already riling up. I'll be back, I swear Gia! You better call me!" Tom shouts, giving me a kiss on the forehead then running out.

"Papa's gone insane." I laugh, looking at both the girls. "I can't believe Tom is a dad." Georg trills his lips, smiling at Nina in his hands.

"A damn good one, i'll have to admit." Gustav follows up, rocking Aliyah in his arms.

I sit on the couch, with Suzette looking to her. "How is Tom doing with the whole dad thing?" She questions.

I put my feet up on the couch, resting my head in my knees. "I hate that he's better at it then me." I laugh, looking out the window. "I think they're daddies girls, can't blame them. Look at him!" I follow up.

"So sexy." I whine, hiding my head into knees.

"Okay, not what I asked but.." She rubs my shoulders, laughing along. "Fuck." Gustav whines taking his phone out. "They need us." He adds on.

"Give me a baby." Suzette demands, Gustav rolls his eyes handing her Aliyah.

Georg hands me Nina, licking his lips in. Staring at her in awe. "Go!" I wave them off, they both get snapped out of their trance, looking out the window.

"Right." Gustav and Georg say in unison, marching out. I walk over to the window, rolling it up a little.

"Im sorry, I have to see this." I rock Nina in my arms, as I squint at Tom telling someone off.

"I know you're married okay, and that he's mine. But you cannot tell me that man is not fine." I groan, tapping on the window.

"Haven't you been together seven years?" Suzette asks. "The man doesn't age, i'm telling you." I bang my head against the glass, thinking about him.

"I need him inside me."

"He's yours, you can have him. Literally any day." She mentions. "Doctors orders, I can't."

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down!" I heard him shout, I was about to jump out the window. "That's hot." I nod, in acceptance.

"Your wife looking fine as wine, you think she'd let me tap instead?" I heard the guy say to Tom, oh no. Oh please no, oh god.

"Did he just say that?" Suzette, gets up. Coming and watching next to me, I bite my bottom lip. Seeing the tips of his ears go red, as he clenches his fists. All the veins popping out, oh my goodness.

Don't shoot, don't shoot. The babies, please.

We both rock Nina and Aliyah, listening in. I saw Gustav and Georg place their hands on Tom's shoulder telling him to back off.

I saw Tom kick him in between the legs, I gasped. "Oh that hurt." She covers her mouth, with her fingers tips

He swings a pistol around his index finger, crouching down. "Oh my god, is he gonna shoot it off." My eyes go wide, gripping on Suzette's forearm.

"With what are you tapping exactly?" He points it against his crotch. "Look man, we can talk this out. You want money? I can give you-" He gets cut off by Tom shooting him, right in the balls.

"Only I fuck Gia." Tom bangs his gun against the side of his head, before bashing it into the cement.

"You, get him out of here." He snaps his fingers at someone, pointing at the floor. "Please fuck me." I put my finger against the window, trailing it downwards.

"Does he ever use that anger on you or the kids?" Suzette suddenly asks, I lick my lips in.

"What did you just say?" I bring my head forward, not believing her words. "I'm just saying I-" She pointed to the scene that had just happened in front of us.

"What are you implying Suzette, are you acting like Hiram hasn't killed people? Am I sitting here asking you if he hits you or your kids?" I responded.

"Don't make it like that Gia, that's not what I meant." She chuckles, scoffing a little.

"No, he doesn't." I reply, simply. "Well then you're one of the lucky ones." She began biting on her finger, looking out the window.

"Hiram hits you?" I point to her, feeling some empathy. I thought she was just trying to be a bitch.

"We're in the mafia world Gia, the men are... ruthless. You got lucky, don't get it twisted." Suzette laughs, biting back some tears.

"You can leave, if you wanted. I could help you." I suggested, knowing really... there wasn't an answer to that. She wasn't gonna leave, that's just how it was.

"You already know how this world works Gia, don't say stupid things." She tries to lighten the mood, with a joke. "They're bad men." She sighs.

"Tom wasn't always nice to me, I was best friends with the wall for a little while." I laugh, attempting to make her feel better.

I hope she'd understood that joke, if not then that's just awkward. "So then, what changed?" She questioned.

"I got pregnant, he went soft. Like this one time, he froze up at gun point, but now... he'll kill anyone, but at the end of the day. He'll still be him."

At the end of the day, he'll still be him.

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