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It was the weekend.

"Baby, do you want coffee?!" I yell from the kitchen, as he sat on the couch. Holding both of the girls.

"Please." His feet were stretched out on the table as he watched a soccer game, explaining everything that was happening to them. As if they could understand him.

I suddenly heard a bunch of knocking on the door. I finish pouring mine and Tom'a cups of coffee, setting his on the table in front of him.

I began walking to the door, as the knocking continued. "Calm down! I'm coming!" I shout, opening the door. My eyes suddenly widen, seeing a parade of women come inside my home.

"Yiii, Gia you've lost so much weight!"  "Your hair is shinier!" ... "Your tatas grew, oh my!" .... "Did you get them done? They're huge!" ...."And those lips, oh my!"

It was my mom, and my sisters all of them.

All four of my sisters.

I suddenly saw Simone?! With Tom's aunt and Bill.

"Ma?!" Tom shouts, standing up. "My grand babies!" My mom squeals, grabbing Nina off him, as my older sister takes Aliyah.

I stood there in shock, next to Tom. Watching our whole family obsess over them.

"What the fuck is going on." I whisper yell, standing next to him. "I don't know." He whispers back.

Simone lived in Germany, my family lived across the country. What the hell was happening. "They're overwhelming the girls." Tom gulped, knowing what was gonna happen, I gulp as well.



I saw everyone suddenly back off, letting my mom hold them. "Nope, I already raised five girls. Here Gia." She passes them to me, I laugh taking them back.

I began rocking Aliyah, as Tom rocks Nina. He always knew how to calm them down, me on the other hand...

"She's not hungry, she's just scared." I began rubbing her back. "I've got it." He puts his hands out. "No mine." I take a step backwards.

"Gia, just give her to me." Tom laughs, putting one hand out. "If I can't get her to calm down, you can't either?" I roll my eyes, at him.

"Oh really?" He raises his brows, I pass him to her. Immediately, she stopped. He didn't even do anything!

"Traitor." I whine, looking at Aliyah.

"Oh he's good at that." My mom gives me a thumbs up, as his mom smiles huge. "And those pecs, good job." My mom puts a thumbs up, on her chest.

I widen my eyes, looking at her.

"Not that i'm not happy to see you all or anything, but why are you all here?" I giggle, looking at seven women and a Bill, standing in front of my door.

"I have waited seven years, first it was all! Mama! I'm in love with Tom, then it was... we're teaching we never have time, then you got pregnant, and now you're not pregnant! So it is time for your wedding!" My mom explains, taunting her finger at me.

"I'm still really busy with SO, many things. A wedding isn't at the top of my list." I scratch the back of my head. "Nonsense!"

"Hi, yes could I book a dress fitting for 3PM tomorrow..."

"No, we can only come taste cakes this weekend."

"Ah yes! $20 an hour works, do you take cash or credit?"


"I was really hoping for my daughter to get married at this specific place though."

"$4,018 for a bouquet of flowers?! There better be $4,000 stuffed in it, girl you got me messed up!"

"Yes, a Brazilian wax."

"Oh hi babies, of course you love uncle Bill more then you love Tom!"

I sipped on my coffee, looking at Tom. "Let's run away." I mouth, nodding towards the door. "We're gonna go get food!" I shout, tugging on Tom's hand.

Man, they couldn't even hear me.

"Run!" I giggle, shutting the door. We both began bolting to the car. "What about the girls?!" Tom shouts, as we continued, running.

"I've always known Bill would be a good nanny, and I don't have to feed them for another..." I pull my phone out. "Two hours!" I squeal, getting in the car.

He turns the car on, beginning to reverse out the driveway. As soon as he was on the road, Tom began to speed off.


"I wasn't expecting my day to go like this." I laugh, taking a bite out of my pizza slice.

"We have to go back, I mean.. if the girls weren't there I wouldn't have gone back, but..." He shrugs. "We haven't been alone in so long." I trill my lips looking out the window.

"It's nice, right?" Tom smiles. "It's nice, but is it bad I miss them so much already?" I pout, thinking about the girls. "I miss them too." He whispers, pouting.

"There's still an hour left, I don't wanna go back to planning madness." I look at the clock. "Well, i'm bored of being in here, let's go make out in the car."

"Are you a horny fourteen year old, or what?" I laugh, looking him up and down. "Will, you just indulge in my horny fourteen year old self right now?" Tom slides out of the booth, grabbing the pizza box.

"Sure, come on." I pull on his hand, grabbing the other box of pizza. We quickly made it to the car, putting it to the side. Tom gets in, letting me get in on his lap.

"Is this what your fourteen year old self fantasies about." I ask, nibbling down his jaw. "No, he was all about Jessica Alba." Tom leans back.

I pull away, looking him straight in the eyes. "I hope you get hard and it doesn't go away." I cup his crotch, putting pressure on it, then getting out the car.

I get in the passenger passenger seat instead.

"Wait, mama I didn't mean it I swear!" He begs, trying to pull me back.

"We have kids at home, get your behind over here!"

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