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As expected from the dumb Yerin, she forgot to tell Jake about me! Now I can trick Jake into loving me and break their relationship. It was so foolish of Jaemin to think I love him, I never did. All for the money, the fame, the bullying fun. I had fun manipulating him into a bully, now everyone hates him. Now my plan is going to start. Trying to trick Jake into thinking I like him and make him like me! Let's go and approach Jake.

"Hi Jake!" I waved with a kind face.
Jake glanced at me and looked away immediately.
"Huh? Didn't Yerin not tell Jake?" I thought.
"Um, hello?" I cleared my throat and repeated.
"Look, I am not interested. You are Yuri, Jaemin's girlfriend. Jaemin who injured Yerin so bad. Go away." Jake said coldly.
"Whatever, I'm not like him but whatever." I walked away. Maybe fame wasn't that good sometimes. But Jake is so fine, I want him so badly. He likes Yerin... maybe I will make Yerin look like she's cheating! Yes, that's perfect!

Like any other day, Yerin walked briskly to school, her heart brimming with anticipation. The air was filled with a sense of excitement and mystery, since today was picnic day. Meanwhile, on the other side, Jake was nervously fiddling with his fingers, his mind was preoccupied with a hidden secret. Clutched in his hands were a bouquet of flowers and a soft teddy bear, symbols of affection and vulnerability. Something important was about to unfold, and the question lingered in the air: to whom was Jake about to confess his feelings?

Yerin strolled down the hallway, heading towards her locker to retrieve her belongings for the day. As she closed the locker door, a figure caught her eye. It was Jake, leaning casually against the lockers nearby. Startled, she let out a little yelp before breaking into laughter. Jake joined in, his presence bringing a sense of warmth and comfort to the bustling hallway.

"Hey, you scared me there!" Yerin giggled, her eyes sparkling with amusement. Jake's laughter echoed through the corridor as he playfully shrugged, his nerves slightly evident.

"Um, can I ask you something?" Jake's voice trembled with a hint of shyness. Yerin's curiosity piqued, and she nodded, unaware of the flowers and teddy bear he held behind his back.

With a small clearing of his throat, Jake summoned the courage to speak his heart. "I... I like you," he confessed, his eyes momentarily darting away.

Yerin's cheeks flushed crimson, matching the color of a ripe tomato. The admission took her by surprise, and her heart skipped a beat. Gathering her thoughts, she managed to find her voice. "Me too," she replied, her words carrying a mix of excitement and bashfulness.

Jake's eyes widened in disbelief, his anticipation shattered by the unexpected revelation. He hadn't anticipated Yerin's reciprocation, assuming she would say no. In that moment, he extended his trembling hands, revealing the bouquet of flowers and the soft teddy bear.

Yerin's smile grew wider as Jake presented her with the heartfelt gifts. Her cheeks still flushed, she accepted them with gratitude, feeling a warmth spreading through her.

"Um... so, will you be my girlfriend?" Jake's voice quivered once more, a trace of vulnerability lingering in his words.

Yerin's shy nod conveyed her answer, her heart pounding with joy and excitement. It was a moment filled with emotions, where two souls found solace in each other's presence. And just like that, they became a couple, embarking on a journey of love and companionship that promised to fill their days with countless moments of happiness. But something was in the way. What was it...?

Safe with me | ENHYPEN JAKE FFWhere stories live. Discover now