𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎

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It was as if they had heard Yuri's prayers, because it was all going as Yuri's plan. Now that they are dating, Yuri is planning to break their relationship.

Today marked a pivotal moment in Yuri's plan as she embarked on the second step, aiming to dismantle Yerin and Jake's relationship. With calculated determination, Yuri set her sights on manipulating the situation to her advantage.

As the day unfolded, Yerin eagerly prepared herself for a meet-up at a local cafe with Wonyoung, or so she thought. Little did she know that the person she believed to be Wonyoung was, in fact, Yuri, who had cunningly obtained Wonyoung's phone to assume her identity.

Yuri, fueled by her deceptive intentions, slipped into the role effortlessly, leveraging the stolen identity to sow seeds of doubt and discord. The unsuspecting Yerin, excited for a pleasant outing with her friend, had no inkling of the impending turmoil that awaited her.

yerinhrtsjke: Wonyounggg where are youu?? 🥹🥹 its so lonelyyy
yerinhrtsjke: OHH ALRALR 😭😭


Unbeknownst to Yerin, she rushed to the nearby alley in search of Wonyoung, only to find Jaemin standing there instead. Surprise washed over her, evident in her voice as she called out, "Jaemin! What are you doing here?"

Confusion etched across Jaemin's face as he replied, "I could ask you the same. I was asked to meet my friend here."

Realizing they were both caught in a perplexing situation, Yerin decided to join Jaemin in the alley, seeking a clearer conversation. As they drew closer, unexpectedly, a sudden impact sent them both sprawling to the ground. Yerin found herself landing on top of Jaemin, their faces turning a deep shade of crimson.

Startled, they quickly regained their composure, brushing off the dust from their clothes. Yerin's voice resonated with annoyance as she exclaimed, "Who the hell pushed me?" However, the alley remained silent, offering no answers.

An awkward silence hung in the air as Yerin and Jaemin exchanged apologetic glances. "Sorry," they both muttered simultaneously, their voices filled with a mix of embarrassment and confusion.

Realizing the discomfort of the situation, Yerin swiftly decided to make her exit. "Um, I'll leave now. Bye," she said hurriedly, eager to escape the awkwardness that enveloped them.

With a quick farewell, Yerin hastily departed from the alley, her thoughts swirling with a flurry of emotions and unanswered questions.

f4iryyoung: omg omgomg im so sorry i have to go :(
yerinhrtsjke: oh.. ok :(


Yuri chuckled evilly. She was the one who had pushed Yerin back in the alley, and she caught a photo of Yerin lying on top of Jaemin. This is enough proof to make Jake fall out of love with Yerin.

The following day, Yuri rushed to find Jake before Yerin arrived at school. With a determined look on her face, she approached him, aware of the frustration she had caused him in the past.

"What do you want now?" Jake asked, his tone tinged with annoyance, tired of Yuri's persistent interference.

Yuri took a deep breath, trying to maintain a facade of innocence. "Just give me a moment, Jake. I want to show you something," she replied, her voice laced with a hint of urgency.

Reluctantly, Jake decided to entertain Yuri's request, curiosity piqued by her insistence. As she held up her phone, displaying the picture she had taken the day before, his eyes widened in disbelief. The image before him depicted Yerin lying on top of Jaemin in the alley, their proximity suggesting a level of intimacy that sent shockwaves through Jake's being.

Confusion and a whirlwind of questions swirled in Jake's mind. Was Yerin using him? Did she never truly have genuine feelings for him? Did she still harbor emotions for Jaemin? The revelation left him feeling vulnerable and betrayed, his trust in Yerin shaken to its core.

A mix of emotions flooded Jake's heart—anger, hurt, and a profound sense of disappointment. Each question seemed to carve deeper into his thoughts, demanding answers that remained elusive. The once-clear path of their relationship now seemed clouded by uncertainty.

Yuri watched Jake closely, a wicked gleam in her eyes, relishing in the chaos she had sown. She knew the picture was a catalyst, a weapon to manipulate Jake's emotions and drive a wedge between him and Yerin.

As the weight of the revelation settled upon him, Jake grappled with the truth and the implications it held for their relationship. The picture had opened a Pandora's box of doubts, and he knew he needed to confront Yerin and seek the truth, even if it meant facing painful revelations and making difficult decisions.

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