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Yerin arrived at school, her heart brimming with excitement and anticipation as she sought to surprise Jake with a warm back hug. However, to her utter disbelief, she was met with a forceful push that sent her stumbling back, her expression clouded with confusion.

Confusion morphed into shock as Yerin attempted to comprehend Jake's sudden rejection. "Huh?" she uttered, her voice trembling with a mixture of hurt and bewilderment as she stood, a distance now separating them.

Frustration welled up within Jake, his voice laden with disappointment and bitterness. "I thought that after everything I've risked for you, you would reciprocate my feelings and let go of Jaemin. So, was it all for nothing? Was I just a fool?" His words cut through the air, revealing the depths of his pain.

Yerin's eyes widened in disbelief, her heart sinking as she attempted to defend herself. "What are you saying, Jake? I love you and only you!" She desperately reached out, longing to embrace him, only to be met with another push that forced her away.

Jake's tear-streaked face turned to face Yerin, his expression filled with anguish. He raised his phone, displaying the very photo Yuri had shown him. Yerin gasped, her voice trembling with urgency. "Jake, someone pushed me! It wasn't what it seems!"

However, her words fell on deaf ears as Jake's pain and anger had clouded his judgment. "Shut up. I don't want to hear it. Don't ever talk to me again," he spat out, his voice filled with a mix of resentment, anger and shame. With that, he turned away, leaving Yerin standing there, her heart shattered into countless pieces.

Yerin watched helplessly as Jake walked away, the weight of the situation crashing down upon her. The truth was obscured by betrayal and misunderstandings, leaving their once-blossoming love in ruins. Determined to prove her innocence, Yerin vowed to uncover the truth, to clear her name, and to fight for the love she believed in.

yerinhrtsjke: jake... let me explain
yerinhrtsjke: jake...


After countless attempts to persuade Jake to listen to Yerin's explanation, she finally reached a point of resignation. Tears streaming down her face, Yerin whispered under her breath, "This is going nowhere... I suppose this is where our story ends." However, deep inside, she knew she couldn't leave it at that. Yerin had unraveled the truth—it was Yuri all along. Now, she needed irrefutable evidence to convince Jake and expose the deception. But she had no idea how to.

Safe with me | ENHYPEN JAKE FFWhere stories live. Discover now