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Hue faasle
Choote silsile

In the vast expanse of their love, Adi and Kavya found themselves immersed in an ocean of profound longing and uncharted distances for one another. Yet, a bitter, forced separation persisted by the weight of duty and consideration. While Kavya’s mind felt tethered by a sense of responsibility towards her teacher, her heart grappled with the hesitation to burden Adi with the complexities of her life and her feelings for him. Adi, on the contrary was consumed by a silent devotion, to not overhwhelm Kavya with his feelings, apprehensive of becoming a hinderance in her journey. In unspoken sacrifices,both were held back by a shared reluctance to impose regret or guilt upon the choice made by the other, as both strived to protect each other from the burden of their own hearts.

“Toote hue dil
Jaayein kahaan

Stuck in the deafenig silence of their hearts shattered, and their gaze locked in a heartbroken exchange. The intensity of their desire to seek refuge in each other's embrace was palpable, to release the floodgates of sorrow and a magnetic pull that begged for solace. However, the cruel dictates of circumstances imposed an agonizing distance. Thus, they remained standing apart, two souls suspended in a heart-wrenching quandary. In the echoing emptiness, they mused which path to take while their forlorn hearts, yearned for the companionship of one another that both their hearts so desperately craved.

“Mujhe jo khushi mili na kabhi
Jaaye tere sang jaaye tu jahaan
Meri ye du‘a hai kih tera jeewan yoonhi
Chalta rahe saari khwaahishen hoon poori
Teri dunya men na ho ye kami
Na ho ye kami”

With tear-stricken smiles gracing their faces, they caved into the bitter reality before them. In a sorrowful exchange, unspoken prayers resonated between them, as each heart whispered wishes of endless happiness for the other. Quietly, they entreated the universe to shower their beloved with abundant joy, to weave a tapestry of contentment into the fabric of their existence. In the midst of their own ache, they selflessly prayed for the other's perpetual bliss, finding solace in the selfless act of wishing the fulfillment of the one they held so dear.

“Yaad hai mujhe teri har ada
Muskuraahatein teri”

In the solitude of the hospital corner, Kavya's mind became a reel of memories, each frame a testament to his selfless and comforting presence in her life. Each encounter unfolded like a cherished chapter, from the station rendezvous to his invaluable assistance with her documents. The warmth of home echoed in the noodle party he arranged for her, his comforting embrace, enduring beatings meant for her and shielding her from them. The genuine respect he extended seamlessly to her her and her family, treating them with utmost regard despite his father acting harsh towards him. He became a constant source of motivation, a guardian of her smiles, even during moments of doubt. Just moments ago, he had first embraced her crying stature in the reassuring warmth of his arms, apologized to her father for her—he saw her father was about to lash out at her for standing up for him and now, he sat on some distance with her, tactfully respecting her need for space, expressing reassurance through his silent presence and encouragement through tearful eyes, genuine smiles and non verbal gestures. She couldn't help but revisit their shared dances, his unwavering support, the melody of his mischievous laughter, the charm of his lame jokes, their playful banters and the subtle art of his 'healthy flirting'. These cherished scenes played out like a vivid reel, capturing the essence of their journey, as she sat in quiet contemplation amidst the sterile surroundings of the hospital.

Right adjacent to Kavya, at some distance, Adi also found solace in the tender recollections of how Kavya's arrival had acted as a comforting balm in his life. At last, there was someone who saw beyond the mask he wore, someone who understood him and had a hunch about his inner turmoil. A subtle smile played on his lips, a flicker of warmth amidst the pervasive despair, as his thoughts retraced the moments when she, with a gentle touch, tended to his wounds. The simple acts of care, ensuring he ate and sharing the same sleep space, her hand clasping the hem of his shirt, were etched in his memory. Along with moments when she mimcked him, hugged him—overjoyed, the way her eyes lit up in the dark and the way she tried serenading him in the bus only to get upset because he didn’t budge sooner. He chuckled when one particularly vivid memory surfaced—finding her peacefully asleep in his bed, adorned in that endearing teddy bear night suit. In that moment, he recognized the unspoken language of trust; she felt secure with him, and it painted a serene smile on his face amidst the haunting depths of his mind.

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