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Yerin's sleeplessness persisted, her mind still consumed by the recent events that had left her feeling wounded and disillusioned. Unable to find solace indoors, she made a decision to seek solace amidst the calming embrace of nature. Stepping outside, the cool droplets of rain began to fall, gently caressing her face. As the rain enveloped her, it mirrored the storm of emotions raging within her soul.

With each step she took, the rhythmic patter of raindrops provided a soothing soundtrack to her thoughts. The world around her seemed to quiet down, as if nature itself was offering a moment of respite from the chaos that had engulfed her life. The scent of damp earth filled the air, mingling with her tears, and a sense of clarity slowly settled upon her.

In the midst of the rain, Yerin found a renewed strength and determination. She realized that her longing for a normal relationship was not a sign of weakness, but rather a testament to her resilience and unwavering belief in love's potential. The rain became a metaphor for the cleansing she sought within herself, washing away the pain and doubts that had consumed her.

As she continued her solitary walk, Yerin vowed to persevere and remain open to the possibility of finding a genuine connection. She understood that the path to a fulfilling relationship might be arduous, but she refused to let her past experiences define her future. With each raindrop that fell, she found a glimmer of hope, a reminder that even amidst the storms, there was beauty and the promise of a brighter tomorrow. She needed to do something, and she knows it. Jake needs to know Yerin still loves him dearly.


Yerin devised a new strategy in her quest to connect with Jake. She embarked on a plan to send heartfelt letters to him on a daily basis, hoping that one day he would stumble upon them and finally comprehend her intentions. With great anticipation, she initiated her plan by discreetly placing a letter in Jake's locker on the very first day. Unfortunately, her efforts were in vain. The following day, Jake altered his locker password, rendering Yerin clueless about the new combination. Undeterred, she swiftly shifted to Plan B, which involved approaching Jake through his close friends.

Regrettably, this alternative approach also met with failure. Whenever Yerin attempted to approach Heeseung and Jay, they would promptly distance themselves. Similarly, Sunghoon and Sunoo consistently disregarded her attempts to engage with them. Even when Yerin sought the company of Jungwon and Ni-ki, they conveniently excused themselves and sought refuge in the restroom. This constant rejection left Yerin feeling utterly helpless and disheartened. "Fuck, I have no hope." Yerin muttered under her breath lying on her bed.


Yuri's laughter resonated with a sense of delight and satisfaction as she observed Yerin's repeated failures and the subsequent indifference shown towards her. Yuri appeared to relish the unfolding events, finding pleasure in Yerin's fruitless attempts to gain Jake's attention. With a sense of possessiveness, Yuri confidently declared, "Jake is now mine."


Yerin found herself overwhelmed by a profound sense of helplessness. The following day, she reached a point of complete exhaustion, having exhausted all her ideas and strategies. It seemed that it was time for her to accept the reality that Jake was no longer within her reach. Not only did she lose the chance to connect with Jake, but she also experienced the loss of several close friends, including Jaehyun and Leehan, who had distanced themselves from her. Amidst this desolation, Yerin could only find solace in the companionship of Wonyoung, the sole remaining friend who stood by her side.

Seeking comfort, Yerin reached out to Wonyoung, expressing her deep distress and the persistent love she still harbored for Jake. Overwhelmed by emotions, Yerin tearfully confided in Wonyoung, seeking guidance on how to let go of her feelings. Wonyoung, genuinely apologetic for the situation, empathized with Yerin's pain but also shared her own frustration at being ignored by others. Yerin, understanding that Wonyoung was not to blame, reassured her friend and expressed her frustration towards Yuri, the source of her torment. Left alone on her couch, Yerin pondered her next course of action, feeling lost and uncertain about how to move forward in the face of such adversity.

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