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Ugh.. The suns really bright now. I don't even wanna get up. Why am I so tired? I know I was excited and stayed up a bit for.. Something.. But, I kinda regret it now if this is how tired I g- Wait a sec..

I'd immediately sit up, looking at Test Tubes bed. Empty. She must be at the lab already. Man, I've gotta get my sleep schedule situated.

I'd rub my eyes and scoot off the bed, careful not to knock any plush off, it makes me feel bad.
I'd walk over to my closet and hum, grabbing whatever looked comfortable since I heard it'd be freezing cold all week. I'd slap my new clothes on and walk out of the room.. I forgot to brush my teeth.. Eh, just a one time thing! I'm sure nobody'll notice.

As I walked down the stairs, I realized there wasn't really any noises of talking, yelling, Pickle having to be convinced to not smash the tv while raging after being defeated in a game. Guess it's nothing. I'd continue making my way to the door before hearing someone call my name

"Lightbulb? What're you doing?" Oh! Painty! I forgot they come down to the kitchen to make themselves some breakfast before the daily havoc that happens in the kitchen.

"Nothin'.. Hey, what time is it?"

"7:45? And again, why do you look like you're about to go somewhere this early?" They'd question. I don't know if I should really tell them.. What if those pills are supposed to be a secret? What if when I tell them, they'll think somethings wrong? God, I hate decision making.

"I'm just.. Gonna go to Testy's lab! Just to get a soda."

"Don't you only drink those when you're depressed?" Welp, I just fucked up.

"Well, yeah, but I'm okay right now. I'm just gonna go snag a soda and talk to 'er!"

"Mhm. Alright, go do whatever you're gonna do because I don't buy that at all." Oh. I mean... I guess they don't suspect too much. I guess I'm in the clear?

"I'll just take what I can get. Bye, Painty!" I'd wave to them and keep on walking to the door, twisting the knob and walking out.


"ACK-" I slid down into Test Tubes lab, landing directly on my face, and getting a small wound. Nothing too bad, though! I'll just walk it off.

"Owie.. Ay, Zest Tube? Ya here?" I'd call out, not getting a response. I'd just sit on the floor for a moment, waiting for maybe a "Mhm" or at least a "Yeah" but nothin'. Just footsteps that sounded like they were drawing near. Must be TT just taking the silent approach!

"Lightbulb! Are you alright? You have a bit of blood on your face." She looked concerned.. Didn't know I was actually bleeding.. I'd tap the area I felt hurt the most and there was a little blood there.

"Oh. I don't think that's a lot! Just a couple drops, that's all." I'd smile, wiping the blood off onto my shirt and picking myself up. "Sooo.. Are those little pilly thingies heresies for me..sies?"

"Yes, yes. I believe they're on that counter over there. Do you want me to get you some wat-" I'd dash past her, trying to find the pills. This was pretty exciting! I do think I scared her for a second, though, because of how fast I went. I'd grab the first plastic orange bottle I saw since it looks like the ones you'd see at a pharmacy "Is this it? Is it? Is it?!" I'd grin widely, jittering in place. "Uh, yes. It is.. I am starting to reconsider giving you these.."

"No, no! Lemme try! I'm excited! Please, can I still try one?"

"Alright! Just, please, for the love of science, calm down!" I'd nod, taking a moment to breathe and relax, which barely worked because I was slightly jittery. "Okay.. I'm, uh.. I'm kinda good.. NOW PLEAAAAASSEEEEEE CAN I OPEN IT?!"

"...Yes. Yes you may. But do you want water, yes or no?"

"Oh, yeah! Sorry, yeah, I do!" I'd unscrew the cap and place a pill into my hand. It was white and looked like those ones you'd have to snap in half.. Maybe I should swallow both sides to fully try it out! Sounds like a good idea.

I saw Test Tube walking away to presumably get me some water, so I was by myself to think. Maybe I should take the entire bottle or just shove it into my pocket to save for later. But, I don't think Test Tube has a backup for these and they are just prototypes.. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if I took a bit.

I'd look around the empty room and listen for any sign she was coming back. Nothing. I'd pour a little bit of the pills in my hand and shove them into my pocket, keeping one in my hand and putting the bottle back onto the counter like nothing ever happened. It didn't feel right stealing something from my girlfriend, and I don't even know what these would do to me, but I don't think I don't have much time to put them back since-

"Here, I got you your water."..Since she would be back so soon.

"Thank you, Testy!" I'd smile and play it off, placing the pill into my mouth whole and drinking the water to make it go down easier.

"Lightbulb, did you just- Did you just eat it whole? Not even snapping it in half?"

"Nope! Was I supposed to snap it?" I'd tilt my head, playing dumb since apparently it was expected of me.

"I thought it was common sense! Ugh, whatever. I suppose it shouldn't be too bad. How do you feel?"

"I feel.." I'd stand there for a second, not feeling anything until all of a sudden I felt amazing. I felt.. Hyper, I could feel myself smiling even more than I was before and I think my pupils even dilated a bunch from all of these symptoms of happiness.

"I feel GREAT! I didn't even know I could be this happy! I've been happy a lot before, but this is amazing! I think I can feel my heart!"

"That's.. That's not really what's supposed to be happening. You shouldn't be hyper. Maybe that's just a side effect from when you first take it. Are you feeling yourself get calmer?"

"Maybe a little bit! Man, this is awesome! I love your genius!"

"Oh, er.. I- I mean, this was just a little simple! Nothing love worthy!"

"Whatever ya say, Zesty! Hey, I'mma go now. I think I'm getting hungry or maybe bored- OH! Or maybe I'm thirsty! I don't know, but I'm gonna go now because I wanna find out! Bye, Zest Tube!!" I'd scamper off to exit her lab, giggling maniacally and waving to her before she could even say bye back.

"...Did she just call me zesty?"

(A/N: woah, that's a lot of words!!! Specifically 1191 anyways uhhhh yeah have a good day like zazabulb here)

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