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I woke up, trying to hug Tom.

I raise my brows, feeling the empty spot next to me in bed. "Tom?" I said out loud, as I opened my eyes. He wasn't in bed.

I scrunch my nose, getting up. Where is my dilf, maybe he's at Bill's house? No, he wouldn't leave without telling me, would he? What about the girls.

Won't he miss them?

I walk into the bathroom, deeply confused.


I finished brushing my teeth, and getting dressed. Still, haven't heard a peep. I open my door, going to the nursery. I walked over to the cribs, looking inside.

Where are my babies.

I sped walk out, trying to calm down. "Tom!?" I yelled, looking at the living room.

"What's wrong?!" He yelled back, I whip my head to the direction of the kitchen. It's my little dilf in action.

I lean against the wall, crossing my arms. They were both dressed and ready, their hair tied into little bows. A mess of baby food slobbered around their face, as they wore bibs. Smiling hugely at me.

Tom had his hair up, he was wearing a tank top. With some sweatpants, just house clothes.

"It's all my babies!" I squealed, taking my phone out of my pocket. Tom scooped all the excess food out of the corners of Aliyah's mouth, with a spoon.

He wiped the rubber spoon off, placing it back in the bowl. I smiled to myself, taking a picture.

"Food for the lady." He puts on a British accent, setting a latte down on the table, with a little pastry bag. "When did you have the time?" I gasp, sitting down next to him.

"Well, they woke me up and five in the morning. I figured i'd let you sleep, and I bathed them, fed them. Then I fed myself while they sat in the pack-n-play, then we went out, ran some errands got you food, and now they're eating again." Tom explained.

"Thank you baby." I open the pastry bag, taking a glazed donut out. He was a lot more helpful then I expected him to be, he wasn't the type of person you'd look at and immediately assume he was a dad.

I had never thought about having kids with Tom, I mean sure, it came up a couple times. I just didn't think it would ever happen, i'm so glad it did though.

I pat the crumbs of the donut off my finger, taking a small bite. "Gianna." Tom says, glancing at me.

"Woah, haven't heard her in a while." I giggle, hearing my full name. "Would you..." He pauses, sighing.

"Would I... what?" I question, resting my chin on my knuckles, leaning forward.

"Would you... be open to having more kids?"

I stared at him, staring at me. "Now?" I asked, teasing a little. I knew the answer, I just wanted to see him nervous. It was rare i'd see that now.

"Yes, now. When else?" He nods.

I shrug both my shoulders, curving my lips. "You want my babies?" I laugh, bringing my feet up on his lap.

"I wouldn't be asking if I didn't." Tom responded, I look over to both the girls. I was happy with the family we had now, but I also want more.

"I want your babies." I agree, seeing the the tips of his ears getting red. As his face starts to pink up, I was about to explode. He was nervousss.

"We can try for so many babies, after I fit into the wedding dress though." I laugh, thinking about being pregnant at my wedding. It would definitely be a struggle, and I was not gonna do it.

"Fair." He gives me a high five. "What, we just decided to have more kids and I get a high five? Not even a kiss? Maybe a hug?" I trill my lips, disappointed.

"We should put them to sleep, and then we can lay together." He suggests, shrugging.


"I don't even need more kids." I giggle, looking down.

"We still want more though." His tongue traces a circle around my nipples, I don't know how we got here again. I mentioned, that my ducts were clogged.

"Baby, you're not gonna get anything. They're clogged, that's why we've been using the bottle." I felt him suck harder, determined. They hurt, a lot actually.

It felt like they were going to burst, and neither of the girls were getting fed. So we had decided to switch to formula for a little while, until now I guess.

"I did it!" He gasped, huffing. 

"Go get me the pump!" I look down at my nipples, I have no idea how he got the milk to start flowing again. It's been a week, it was starting to kill me.

"You can pump later, we promised we'd lay with each other while they napped before the race." He pulls me into a hug, I hugged back.

The wetness was making me cringe.

I scrunch my face up, against his chest. "I feel them." He raises his face out from the crook of my neck.

"I can too." I pout a little, thinking about getting up and doing anything to fix it.

"It's fine... let's just talk about the wedding."

I look up at him, he was actually excited. How could I tell him, I didn't want a wedding.

"Do we really need all those people there? I mean..." I mention, thinking about the guest list. "You think it's too big of a wedding right?" Tom asks.

"I do, i'm sorry." I apologize.

"I do too! I hate it!"

A/N- there's probably gonna be a lot of timeskips so we can see more of the babies progress and how tom and gias relationship grow

are you guys getting bored of this? i feel like i'm definitely dragging it on, but i love teach me guys.

also the whole time line for this book is so shitty i'm sorry 😰

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