Part 39

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I covered up the hickey and walked out of the bathroom to see jaden was standing right there by the door waiting

Jaden-nova I just wanted to say what I had with Ava is over. Your the only girl I love and will always will. I'm sorry if what daelo said made you sad-

He try's saying before I cut him off by kissing him mid sentence

Nova-it's ok
I say smiling

Jaden-are you sure cause-

Nova-jaden you and Ava were in love and were in a serious relationship and I gotta respect that cause you didn't even like me at the time-

Jaden-no, don't say that. Mine and Ava's relationship wasn't serious it lasted 3 months and was off and on. Plus I wasn't in love with her god I was still confused on what love was. But ik what it is know cause you nova you helped me in so many ways. So don't say me and Ava were serious cause I stoped liking her a long time ago but yk what? I've been in love with you since we were kids.

He says holding my neck making me smile with tears In my eyes

Nova-I love you
Jaden-I love you more so don't ever think I'm gonna love another girl more than you

He kissed me one more time and we cuddled on the bed talking about random stuff until it was time for dinner. We entered the restaurant and it was so beautiful.

Dj-you guys wait here I'll go see where our tables atDj say's before leaving

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Dj-you guys wait here I'll go see where our tables at
Dj say's before leaving

I was look at the sunset until I fell someone hold my hand. I looked and seen jaden standing next to me smiling at me

Jaden-your so beautiful sweetheart
He whispers into my ear making me blush

Nova-thank you, you look really handsome
I say smiling

He say rubbing my hand with his thumb

Dj-ok guys our table is over here
Dj says coming back and leading us to our table

Jayla-woah look at the view
Mom-oh it's so beautiful

We all sat down and me and Jaden sat next to each other.

Waiter-hello I am your waiter Eric and I'll be your server for this evening, what can I get you guys

We all looked at all the things and I decided on some shrimp Alfredo pasta

Nova-can I get the shrimp Alfredo pasta

Eric-ofc and did you want a drink with that

Nova-oh I'll have a coke please

Eric- no problem, and for you?
He says looking at jaden

Jaden-I'll get the same as her

Eric-ok I'll have your guys food out in bit
He says before leaving

Dj-you guys almost packed to leave

Kylee-I still need a few things
Jaden-I'm almost done

Dj-also us adults are gonna have to leave to California when we get back

Javon-wait what why?

Dad-me and dj gotta to do something for work and Jess and Sara are gonna visit some family over there

Sara-yea but Natalie and daelo are coming with us so it'll be just you teens at the house for 3 days

Noah-wait your house or our house

Sean-whichever you guys want

Noah-I vote the Walton's

Dj-ok my house it is then

Jadens-you can sleep in my bed
He says smirking and putting his hand on my thigh

Eric-alright here you guys go and just let me know if you need anything else
He says putting down our food and drinks and leaving

We began eating and the food was so good

Noah-yo nova can I have a bite of your pasta if I give you a bite out of my hamburger

Jaden-it has onions
Nova-ew then nvm
I say with a disgust expression

Noah-aw look at jaden being a good boyfriend
Noah says making me and Jaden choke on our food

Dj-oh so it's official
Jess-you guys are so cute together
Sara-I'm so happy for you guys
Sean-glad to see you guys back together
My dad says smiling

Nova-oh we're not dating-
We say awkwardly laughing

Noah-yea guys it was a joke

Sara-well if it wasn't a joke I'm glad she's with you jaden

Jaden-thank you a aunty Sara
He says smiling

Natalie-jaden can I have some of your food
Natalie says tapping jaden on his shoulder

Jaden-ofc you can sweetheart
He says feeding her some making me smile to myself

He turned back to me and seen me smiling

Jaden-why you smiling so hard?
He says laughing a bit

Nova-nothing, your gonna be a good dad in the future

Jaden-you think so??
He ask smiling

Nova-yea ofc, your so nice towards kids and know how to take care of them

Jaden-yk hypothetically speakinggggg if we were to be parents together I think we'd make pretty great parents

He says playing with his food nervously

Nova-we would make great parents
I say holding his hand on my thigh

He smiled at me and we continued talking and we finished dinner and headed back to the house to pack for tomorrow.

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