The forest.

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| Night'River wakes up, after a good while of sleep.
She slowly gets up and looks around the nest, looks like she's not the only one awake. Leopard'Run, the deputy of Thunderclan, is also awake.
"Good morning, Leopard'Run." She mews while licking her paw.
Leopard'Run jumps as he didn't know Night'River was awake.
"O-oh good morning Night'River.. sorry didn't notice you." He smiles at her. Night'River smiles back.
After a while she gets up and walks out of the nest.
It's still dark.. Night'River looks around the whole camp. Is Leopard'Run and I the only one that's awake? She walks for a bit. No one seems to be awake. Night'River has decided to go drink from the river nearby the camp.

She trots out of the Thunderclan camp. The river is not so far away.. right? Night'River could feel the cold breeze in her fur. Her brown eyes wander through the forest. She shivers.. Is it really worth it? Night'River takes a deep breath and decides to go through the forest to find the river. It was dark and cold, kinda creepy.
She jumped to every sound she heard. But eventually she ends up standing in front of the river. Before she could even take a step closer she heard a sound. It sounded like someone meowed. Night'River looks behind her but there is no one. She stares terrified at the bush where she heard the sound coming from.
"H-hello..?" She asks still looking terrified and scared. What could it be? A dangerous wild cat? A badger? A dog? So many thoughts run in Night'Rivers mind. Eventually she notices a black piece of fur, laying under the bush. The creature that was under it moved and got out of the bush. Night'River sighs in relief. It was just a small kit.

"What are you doing here? You're not from Thunderclan.." Night'River asks the small kit.
The kit looks hungry and scared. "I'm sorry.. I was looking for food.." The kit mews in a scared voice.
Night'River thinks, what is a small hungry kit doing here. "Where are you from? And where are your parents?" Night'River asks. The kit looks sad. "Well- I'm not sure.. I never have had a place to stay and- uhm my parents.. they're gone." The kit says while looking at their paws. Night'River looks shocked.
"Oh.. I'm sorry about that uh- don't you have anyone that hunts for you or someone who takes care of you?" Night'River looks at the kit with worries. The kit looks up at her. "I did, until they disappeared.. without even saying anything."
Night'River takes a deep breath and ask the kit "what's your name?" The kit looks down and says. "Cats call me raven.."
"Well Raven, I do not know how to help you.. but I could ask my leader if-" Night'River gets interrupted by 'Raven'. "No! I don't wanna join your clan.. I- cats have told me bad things about you cats. I don't wanna deal with that.." the kit says without hesitation.
"Oh.." Night'River sighs. "Well Raven I do not know how to help you, I have to go back to my clan. The sun is coming up." Night'River says and turns back to camp. She has totally forgotten that she came there to drink. This whole situation with the kit had her mind blown.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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