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"Mine." I snuggle around Tom, not letting go.

"We have to get up, let go Gi." He tries to pry me off him. "You don't love me anymore, admit it." I pout, raising my brows at him.

"The girls are awake, it's only a matter of time before they start crying." He points to the baby monitor.

"Can you carry me there?" I suggested, I didn't know how to explain it, but I missed him so much. It always felt like he was never close to me anymore.

"You're not a child, you're the grown up here." Tom nudges my side. "This is why you don't love me anymore!" I whine, throwing my hands up in the air.

"That is not true and you know it's not."

I stand up on the bed, crossing my arms. Tom rolls his eyes, standing up. I squeal, jumping on his back. "Thank you!" I kiss both his cheeks.

"I'm gonna hold them too?" He asks, looking up at my head. "Mhm." I hummed, as Tom walks inside their room. I saw both of the girls clung on to the side of their cribs, standing up, wide awake.

"Hii!" He puts on a baby voice, going to Nina first. He picks her up, moving on to Aliyah. "Now i'm holding two babies and a Gia." He laughs.

I rested my legs a little lower around his waist, so he'd have more room to carry them. "Um..." He looks at me, then at them. "What?" I question.

"I don't have boobs, and we're back to breastfeeding so..." Tom mentions, I interlock my fingers around his neck. Kissing repeatedly, before hopping off.

"Give me the baby." I put my arms out, he gave me Aliyah first, as he rocked Nina in his arms.

I sat in the rocking chair, pulling my bra strap down. Tom sits on my thigh, grinning to me.

I rolled my eyes, rocking him as well. "So now you're a baby too, hm?" I raised my brows, watching Aliyah clutch on. "Oh yeah, a big one."

"I can feed both at once." I held Aliyah in one hand, taking off my other bra strap. Tom hands me Nina, we sat there in silence for a little while, it was a good silence, peaceful.

"When we have more kids, do you want girls or boys?" He asked, breaking it.

"I think, if we had a boy he'd be miserable with two girls, but nonetheless. I wouldn't care." I smiled.

"You- OW!" I scream, cutting him off.

"What's wrong?" Tom says, confused. "Nina bit me!" I gasp, looking down at her. "She bit your nipple?" He snorts on his laugh, covering his mouth.

"It is not funny, do not laugh! It hurts, what the hell." I look down at the little gremlin, who was acting like nothing had happened.

"I'm gonna cum in your face."

"What?" I leaned up in my chair. "Nothing, just felt like saying that." He shrugs.

"Not in front of my girls, what is wrong with you?!" I raise my voice. "They can't understand it, they'll live." Tom defends. "Well, i'll cum in your face how about that?" I look him up and down.

"Okay baby, whatever you want." Tom chuckles.

"Um? Only I can call you that, why are you being so ruthless today?" I puff my lips up.

"Im gonna go make food, while you produce theirs." He gets off my knee, standing up. "No, sit down!" I poke his behind with my foot.

He sits on my thighs, horizontally his legs hanging off the chair. "See, why don't you ever hold me? It goes both ways, I always be holding you." He mentions.

"Cause it feels like i'm gonna die." I grunt, feeling his weight on top of my thighs. "I'm not even that heavy, you got heavier then me when you were pregnant, and I still held you." Tom argues.

"Are you calling me fat?" I frown.

"No, i'm a perfect man. Perfect men, don't say that."

"You are so full of yourself, Thomas."

"You are not fat, Gianna."

"We pulling the full names now?"

"Thomas, isn't my name."


"Thomas!" I gasp, running away from him. My feet sliding down the kitchen floor.

"Not my name!" He catches me, starting to tickle me again. "Do not!" I tried to pull away from his grasp.

The girls were sitting in their high chairs, watching us.

He picked me up, throwing me on the couch. "Well hello big daddy." I smirk, seeing him hover over me.

"Not now." He whines, sitting up. I stared at the girls, who were staring back at us. Tom and I look to each other. Then move our gaze back to them.

"Ruining my sex life, aren't you." He stands up, walking over to the high chairs.

"Aren't you?" I saw his lips curve into a huge smile, putting on a baby voice. "Big daddy isn't getting any action lately." He groans, picking Nina up.

Why is he talking about himself in the third person.

"And it's all your fault!" Tom gasps, unhooking Aliyah from her high chair. "It's okay, i'll love you anyways." He sighs, bringing them back to the couch.

"I know you're tired." Tom glances at me.

"Hm?" I hum, blinking a little slower. "I didn't wake up when they cried last night, you did." He clarifies.

"It's okay, I wanted to let you sleep. I know today is a big day." I reassured, knowing he had a big race later.

"Go sleep." He nodded towards our bedroom. "Are you sure?" I stood up. "I'll wake you up before the race."

"Okay paizäo, thank you." I move to where he's sitting, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"One more." He smiles, I grab his face harshly. Placing a firm kiss on his lips. "If they fall asleep, come join me. I love you!" I put my fist up in the air.

I creaked the door open, getting back in bed.

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