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                   Words do not even begin to express how thankful I am for those who have helped me through the creation of the book. This list is ever-changing if I am being completely honest. There is so much love that goes into writing that no one ever truly speaks on. First, I will have to dedicate this book to myself. As a young girl, I always enjoyed reading what other writers put out there & I just know that younger me would be so happy to know that she is now going to put her efforts into writing a Paranormal Romance after all the years of reading them.

           I also would like to thank my family, for encouraging me to chase my dreams, no matter how far away they may seem. Especially my grandmother, who is the inspiration for the character Grammy in this story. She will forever hold a special place in my heart, and I hope she holds a special place in the hearts of my readers.

       Before I thank the final person, I would also have to say that the reason I wrote this book was because I wanted to be the inspiration for other young adults like me. I am now a New Adult according to Wattpad standards, but my book is for those who find comfort in the reality that books can provide for your safe space. So please allow yourself to immerse into my book and really enjoy it. One day, this could be you if it is not already!

       The final person that I would like to dedicate this book to is my significant other. He was able to pull me out my shell and explain to me that no matter what, my efforts do not go without notice, and that I am only as good as I allow myself to be.  He has helped me learn to celebrate myself just as much as I celebrate other writers. I have learned that I always have something to learn from others but just as I do, they have things that they could learn from me. 

             So without further ado, I present to you, the story of my dreams.

The Story Of My DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now