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"Losing someone is hard
But learning to live without them
Will always be worse"


24th June

Some people don't change. That's what Nishimura Riki found out. Everyone says people can change, they say people can become better.

But some people are just not capable of it.

And those 'people', include the one and only Kim Sunoo, the man who changed, but not for the better.

Now don't take it the wrong way, Riki doesn't hate Sunoo, not even close to it.

They aren't enemies.

Or friends. At least, not anymore.

They're just strangers... with some memories.

And besides, they can't become anything else now, not when they are both in completely separate places.

But Riki doesn't know whether to feel relieved or disappointed, and to be honest, he wished he could feel nothing on this day.

It's been years since Sunoo moved to Seoul from Busan, where Ni-ki is.

So why was he still thinking about this now?

That answer is simple. Because of the date. 24th of June. On this day, three years ago, the two were celebrating Sunoo's birthday together as the best of friends.


"Sunoo hyung, happy birthday!" Riki exclaimed as he hugged the older who laughed and hugged him back, "Thanks, Ki."

"What are you going to do today? A party?" The younger asked excitedly. Sunoo chuckled fondly.

Riki was a big fan of birthday parties. Yes, he got shy, and yes, he didn't talk much when he first met someone, but he still found it fun to laugh and smile with his friends.

And Sunoo would forever be his best one.

But at least, that's what he thought.


Riki slammed his hand down on the 'dismiss' button on the alarm on his phone and swiftly got out of his bed.

He opened the wardrobe and stared at his collection of clothes.

He had a wide range of different styles and designs of clothes, but of course, school is strict.

He rummaged through his closet, he had worn his favourite clothes already that week, and he didn't want to seem unhygienic by going to school in it again.

Sighing, he shook his head as he discarded the clothes he didn't want to wear to the side.

And that's when he found it.

A hoodie in the back of his closet, it had been there for ages, and yet it hadn't collected any dust.

It was soft, silky. In fact, it was his favourite thing to wear at one point, but opinions change, just like how people change.

It was a light green colour, with a white infinity sign in the middle of it and a comfortable overhood to wear over his head.

With uncertain fingers, he took hold of the clothes hanger, which had now collected dust, even when the hoodie hadn't.

He pried it out, though it was a challenge because of how long it had been resting in there.

With a trembling finger, he placed his index fingertip on the hoodie and traced the infinity sign repeatedly.


"Wow! Is that a new hoodie? It's so pretty" Riki exclaimed as he walked up to Sunoo near the lockers. The older beamed at him and posed, "You think so? It's probably my favourite one now"

The younger looked at it longingly, "I love it" He said, tugging at Sunoo's sleeve to see how soft it was. Ni-ki's dark eyes lit up, "Wow! It's so soft!" He proclaimed brightly.

Sunoo laughed and ruffled his hair, "Cutie. You really try to act tough but you just aren't."

Riki pouted, swatting his hand away, "I am tough, and cool, not cute."

Sunoo rolled his eyes sassily, "Yeah, say that to the pout you have on your face."

The younger simply glared at him, still staring at the infinity sign on the hoodie.

Sunoo noticed and swiftly took it off. And before Riki knew it, the hoodie was in his hands.

He glanced at it before looking back up at Sunoo in confusion. The older smiled, "It's yours now"

Ni-ki's eyes sparkled and the corner of his lips turned into a bright smile, "Really? To keep?"

"No, to eat." Sunoo said, scoffing, "Obviously to keep." Riki hugged him again and the older ran a hand through his silky hair.

"This infinity sign isn't just a symbol, it's a promise, a promise that we will always be friends, no matter what. Do you promise?" Sunoo asked, pulling away from Ni-ki and holding his hand up, his pinky finger out for a pinky promise action.

Riki nodded, interlocking his own pinky finger with Sunoo's. The older laughed, "Break the promise and that hoodie is mine again."

"I won't, I promise."


But the people who tell you to not break promises are the ones who have broken the most.

And Riki realised that too late.

He took the hoodie off the hanger and put it on, it fit him perfectly but he slipped his hands further up the sleeve to make the arms a bit longer.

It was a habit he had developed somehow.

He put on some black jeans, which he didn't like. The hoodie was so comfortable, the jeans clashed with the comfort. However, the principal would go berserk seeing someone wear sweatpants.

And that makes no sense, why jeans but no sweatpants? Still, at least there was no uniform.

The boy grabbed the door knob and turned it, leaving the bedroom. He entered the kitchen, it was quite small and useless, but he guessed that's what you expect to get in a dorm anyways.

He made a quick chocolate cereal breakfast, taking a few bites. He grabbed his bag and heaved on his shoes, before heading out of his dorm.

He made sure to pack some bungeoppang for lunch, he had to buy it from the stores since he wasn't very good at making it himself.

Sunoo was good at it though.

He used to make it for Riki everyday and gave it to him at lunch.

Riki shook his head vigorously as he walked down the corridor, he wasn't going to think about the friendship he once had with Kim Sunoo, not today, not now.

After all, what is the purpose of thinking about something you lost ages ago?


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