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"I see your own self
But I no longer know that face
A stranger in your space"


24th June

Yes, Riki still hates this day.

He hates Sunoo's birthday.

Or maybe he hates not being able to celebrate with him.

Either way, this day just hurts him both emotionally and... emotionally? How can it hurt him physica-

Nevermind, he just hit his head into a wall while being distracted.

So it's confirmed that the day also apparently hurts him physically.

He walked up to the school gates and pushed open a pull door.

Perhaps this day effected his last braincell too.

Embarrassed, he scanned the area to make sure no one saw that awkward deal. He sighed and pulled the gate's door open, walking into the school grounds.

It was sunny.

Too sunny.

Even the word 'sunny' reminded Riki of Sunoo. He sighed and slapped himself to regain his senses, he managed to snap out of it, but not without a pain on his cheek from his own hand.

He started to regret his choices of wearing a hoodie on this scorching hot day, but the hoodie was pretty thin, so maybe he would survive without melting.

He rubbed his eyes and someone slapped his head from behind. Groaning, he rubbed the back of his head and turned around pretty quickly, only to see a certain cat-like boy standing there.

His friend. Yang Jungwon.

"Jungwon hyung? What was that for?" He said in annoyance, huffing. The older shrugged, "Just felt like it, Riki" He said casually, proceeding to walk next to the younger as they made their way across the miles to get to the school classes.

Whoever decided that the dorms should be a block away from the school itself was a crackhead.

But then again, Riki was on his last braincell, so he wasn't even in a place to talk.

Ni-ki suddenly realised it was silent. Too silent. What was missing?

Oh yeah, Sim Jaeyun.

"Where's your roommate?" Ni-ki asked the other boy, who suddenly stopped as if he had just remembered, "OH YEAH - shoot I forgot about him, I'm dea-"

"YANG FRICKING JUNGWONN! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" A familiar annoyed voice came from behind. Jungwon smiled sheepishly, "SORRY, JAKE HYUNG" and then he ran for his life.

Riki rolled his pretty eyes as the two roommates disappeared. He couldn't lie, he felt lonely in his dorm, he was due a new roommate ages ago, but the roommate apparently moved to another dorm.

But maybe it was peaceful without one, Jake and Jungwon seem like chaos.

However, it did indeed get lonely when he watched a movie by himself, or came back to the dorm to pure silence and no one to greet him.

Jake and Jungwon always ask him if he wants to go to their place, and his other friends, Lee Heeseung and Park Jongseong had offered to come to his own place. But Riki finds it awkward since they're all roommates and he's just... their lonely friend?

But it wasn't always like that...


Riki had a best friend, just like the others.

"Hey, where's the rest?" Sunoo asked Riki as he found the younger sitting alone at the lunch table. He looked up at him, "Oh, they went to get more food. Jake hyung and Jungwon hyung went together, and the other two went together."

The older nodded and sat next to him, "I brought you bungeoppang, Kiki" He announced proudly, smiling as he took the container full of the delicious pastries out of his bag.

He slid the container towards the younger, who immediately grabbed it, his face brightening happily as he started eating.

Sunoo glared at him playfully, "You're not going to say thank you?" He asked. However, Ni-ki just laughed and said, "Besties don't say thank you when it comes to food."

The older chuckled fondly, also having a bite of the mouthwatering bungeoppang.

Like stated before, Riki had a bestfriend, just like the others.

That's just how it was.

Everyone in the friendgroup had a best friend.

It was always Jungwon and Jake.
Forever Jay and Heeseung.
And infinity Riki and Sunoo.

Riki had a bestfriend, just like the others.

'Had' is a keyword.


Because now Ni-ki was alone.

It was still always Jungwon and Jake.
Still forever Jay and Heeseung.
But no longer Riki and Sunoo.

No longer the two sassy, gossiping besties who stole each other's food.

Just two distant strangers who had once made memories together.

That's it.

That's what it will always be now.

Besides, who knows where Sunoo is now?


Riki walked to his locker, taking his key out of his pocket. He traced his finger over the cold, smooth metal patterns. It was a custom key, with the letters 'N.R' designed into the back.

He put it in the keyhole and turned it, hearing the satisfying click noise of the locker.

He did it once more just to hear it.


And again.


One more time.


He loves that satisfying sound. Repeatedly twisting the key just to hear it was a bad habit of his.


"Ki, can you just open it already? It's actually so annoying" Sunoo said in fed-up exasperation as the younger twisted the key to hear the sound for what seemed like the 100th time.


Riki sighed and opened his locker, his hand lingering on the cold metal on the outside for a little longer than necessary.

He grabbed his maths book, his notebook, and his laptop.

Another bad habit of his, holding too many things at once because he was lazy to come back and get the other things.

Riki turned around and gasped as someone bumped into him. His objects made a loud crashing noise as they hit the floor, making everyone stare.

Ugh, social attention.

He hated social attention.

Ni-ki swallowed and immediately got on his knees to pick up his books, managing to collect all of them.

He looked up to see what careless idiot had bumped into him, but the sight made him drop his things again.

"Sunoo hyung?"


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