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"Torn apart by fate's hand
Love lingers across the void
Yearning for a touch"


24th June

"Sunoo hyung?"

Riki's voice cracked as he said those words. They felt familiar on his tongue, but at the same time it felt like those two words shouldn't be there.

The older just stared at him with cold eyes. "Do you know him?" A voice from behind Sunoo piped up.

Riki turned his head to see a handsome boy with thick eyebrows and a graceful, prince-like stature. He didn't know who that was.

"No, I don't know him, Sunghoon hyung. He's probably just one of those students who heard I was coming back to this school. Probably a creepy fanboy." Sunoo replied, laughing at Riki.

A creepy fanboy?

Yes, it was possible that Sunoo had forgotten him.

But Ni-ki knew that wasn't the case. He could see that hauntingly familiar sinister glint in Sunoo's eyes. A glint that was recognising, but not still warm.

The glint Sunoo used to give to people he thought were lower than him.

And right now, Riki was lower than him. Literally. Ni-ki quickly scrambled for his books and laptop. He got up from the floor and put his stuff on a nearby table, dusting himself off with his hands.

Sunoo glared at him, staring at Riki's clothing intensely.

Riki felt nervous for some reason. He opened his mouth to say something to Sunoo, something, anything.

But he closed it again wordlessly.

He didn't want to be friends with Sunoo again.

He didn't want to know Sunoo again.

Or did he?

No, he couldn't, he totally didn't. Not after what the older did.

Don't get it wrong, Riki was a kindhearted and forgiving individual. But he didn't believe in second chances, why give a second chance to someone who screwed up the first one?

It's like giving a person who's allergic to peanuts a peanut bar and they choke. Then you decide to give it to them again a few years later. But they still choke.


Because some things can't be changed. Some people can't be changed.

And that's the sad truth of life.

Ni-ki watched the back of Sunoo's head as he walked off into the corridor.

What was he doing here?

Why did he come back here out of all places?

Ni-ki looked down at his hoodie and remembered why Sunoo was staring at his attire so closely, he still had the infinity hoodie on.

Riki sighed, his eyes tearing slightly as he thought of what they used to be, and what they had become.


"Are you okay?" The smiley boy said to him, holding his hand out. Riki grabbed it hesitantly and got up, "I-I'm fine, thank you..." He murmured.

"Are you the new kid? I'm Kim Sunoo! What's your name?" The boy cheerfully introduced himself. "I-I'm... Nishimura Riki" The younger shyly whispered awkwardly, fidgeting with the cuff of his shirt.

"That's such a pretty name! Is it foreign? I think you're a foreigner, right?" Sunoo predicted correctly.

"Yeah... I'm Japanese... how did you guess I'm a foreigner?" Riki asked, starting to get more confident.

Sunoo laughed, "It's obvious, silly. Your accent speaking Korean isn't local, and your name is not a Korean name" He explained.

"Oh... okay" The other boy replied silently, not sure of what to say now.

Sunoo held his hand out for a handshake, "Want to be friends?"

Riki stared at his hand for a second, before smiling and nodding, taking his hand and shaking it, "Okay, let's be friends."

And that's how they became close.


But now as Sunoo walked across with no ounce of respect for Riki, the younger questioned if the friendship they once had was ever even real at all.

However... he was asking a question that Kim Sunoo had already answered 4 years ago.

After all, what best friend leaves without any notice and comes back a completely different person?


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