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"As the world spins, unfair and cruel
The weight of the past rests on my soul
Each breath I breathe"


24th June

Riki felt a hand touch his shoulder as he stood frozen in front of the lockers.

He turned around and was eye to eye with one of his closest friends and hyungs, Lee Heeseung.

Ni-ki was about to greet him but Heeseung cut him off, "You saw him, didn't you?" He asked, leaning against the locker next to him.

The younger thought of a lie but gave up and told him, "I did see him." He stated.

Heeseung sighed, "Do you know that there's an article on him?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow, to which the other boy shook his head cluelessly at.

The older sighed and took his phone out, it took him a minute to scroll before he gave it to Riki who held it with both hands, his hands widening.

This is school news manager, Park Jongseong, reporting the latest drama.

Ex-student, Kim Sunoo, is returning to Busan and therefore coming back to Belift High, after 3 years of not attending this school.

But not without a new 'badboy' persona.

So, Belift students, is this new Sunoo a Glow up or a Throw up?

Learn more about this issue on my video report:

P. S - For any more latest news you can come to this website or press any of the other following websites below:


The younger looked up from the phone and he handed it back to Heeseung.

"Jay hyung knew he was coming back? How did I not know that?!" Riki exclaimed in shock, looking at Heeseung with wide eyes, grabbing his shoulder in stunned silence.

"Yeah, have you been living under a rock for the past 3 years? Jay literally knows everything!" Heeseung asked, swatting the younger off, "Besides, you know Jay is the news manager, you could've just asked him."

Ni-ki groaned, leaning his back against his locker, sighing in annoyance as he stared at his shoes.

Now he had to deal with a new problem.

Who happened to be his ex best friend.

Oh great, 3000000000 universes were against him.

"Hey, Heeseung hyung?" He called, looking up, but the older had already left him to go to class. He rolled his eyes and muttered bitterly, "He should at least tell me if he's going to leave."



Riki stared blankly at his empty maths book. He didn't understand anything at all.

Despite how desperately Jay was explaining it to him."YOU TIMES THE INTEGER BY THE ROOT? OKAY!" The older explained for the 10th time.

Ni-ki looked at him blankly and shook his head, Jay looked as if he was about to pull all of his hair out, "THE FRICKING INTEGER GETS MULTIPLIED BY THE ROOT AND THAT GIVES YOU THE ANSWER!!!" He desperately yelled, shaking Riki's shoulders like a comedy drama.

Suddenly, the teacher asked for silence, "Since that work was for grade 2 just to get you warmed up and your minds to start working, let's start the real hard stuff-"

Grade 2?

Riki bashed his head on the table, not bothered to do any more.

He wasn't dumb.

He wasn't stupid.

He was smart... at least he was a little smart.

His grades and schoolwork was one of his biggest insecurities. He always felt stupid when he saw his 'C-' in the midst of everyone else's 'A+'s.

He wasn't stupid.

But some children didn't learn that way, by having a pen and paper or homework with no proper explanation (sorry Jay!), some children didn't learn that way.

He was good at algebra though. Letters instead of numbers.

But when he looked at the number questions, the numbers seemed like they were dancing on the page.

He had dyscalculia.  

No one understood. They just assumed he was incapable of calculating in maths, but he always tried his best.

Sunoo understood though.


Riki stared blankly at his maths book, sighing as he crossed out another set of questions.

Sunoo, his seatmate and best friend, looked at his book, "Here, let me show you" He offered, and the younger looked at him in confusion as he grabbed the pen and started writing.

"Let's get rid of these numbers and think of it like an algebraic equation, okay?" Sunoo continued, replacing the big numbers with simple letters 'X' and 'Y'.

Sunoo was about to explain further, but Riki calculated it easily, "36050?" He asked, and Sunoo smiled at him.

"High five, Riki" He exclaimed, holding his hand up. The younger beamed at him and high fived him.

He was happy that Sunoo didn't think he was stupid just because he didn't learn in the same way as other students.

At least somebody understood.

It's amazing how much a tense of sentence can change its whole meaning, isn't it?

Somebody understood.


After the horrible maths lesson ended, Riki head to the cafeteria alone. Jay went to go find Heeseung, and Jake and Jungwon were probably hanging out in the grounds.

He was surprised that there wasn't a long queue. He walked into it, but he almost tripped and noticed his laces were undone.

He bent down to tie them. His hands lazily pulling the threaded laces together, he finished and he got up...

banging straight into someone. He looked up and sighed in frustration.

Not him again.

What's up with him and bumping into the one main person he didn't want to face?

It was giving such romance story vibes. And he's not in one.

The odds were never in his favour.


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