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"Out of all the things I've ever lost
My favourite one was me and you
But how can you lose what never existed?"


24th June


Riki's eyes went to the big, messy stain on Sunoo's shirt. Teokbokki sauce and ice cream.

"Shoot... sorry!" He said, panicking. The older caught his eyes, and for a second it felt like everything was just fine...


"Riki, its fine, you didn't mean to" Sunoo reassured, putting a hand on the younger's shoulder.

Ni-ki scrambled to get some tissues and gave them to him, "I'm so sorry, hyung" he apologised profusely.

Sunoo chuckled, "Riki, I swear it's okay, I didn't even like this shirt anyways"

Riki smiled at his words...


Sunoo leaned closer, and for a freeze-frame moment, Riki thought he was going to put a hand on his shoulder, like the good old times.

But instead, he shoved him. Hard.

"Fucking idiot! Can you not see where you're going?! I paid for that food and this damn shirt is a limited edition!"

The younger swallowed, "I... I'm sorry... I'll get some tissues... and I can pay you for the food..." He said quietly, fidgeting with his fingers.

Sunoo rolled his eyes, "Like I need a broke ass jerk like you to pay for my stuff."

Riki's eyes narrowed as his sassy mode was officially switched on. He was shy, but not a pushover, "What do you mean I'm the jerk? You're the jer- HEY-" but before he could continue, Jake grabbed his arm and dragged him away.

"Idiot, do you want to die?" He said in shock, making the younger look confused.

"Have you seen how many people he's beaten up? You stupid child, don't go near him again." Jake sternly demanded, strictly crossing his arms like a protective parent.

Ni-ki opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, Jake interrupted, "I know you used to be best friends, but you aren't anymore, get that through your head, Riki."

Riki blinked, finding his hyung's words somewhat harsh, but at the end of the day, he was just trying to protect him.

And he appreciated him for that. Even if his words did hurt a little.

He was just saying the truth.

They weren't friends no longer.


Riki stood at the counter and put the gum, noodles, and a mini bungeopang packet on the counter, along with grocery necessities. He looked at the price on the till and realised he was short of some money.

He sighed, he had been having problems with money lately, and had to work a job at this age. His family was of a poor background.

That's why he immediately fought back when Sunoo called him broke. It was true, and it hurt.

Rolling his eyes, he reached for the noodles to put them back, after all, it was too expensive.

But suddenly, someone's arm shot out, stopping him from taking it.

And the person put the money he was short of on the counter before leaving causally.

Riki's eyes widened at the kind act, and he looked around to see who it was, but the strange person was wearing a hoodie and it was hard to tell now.

The hoodie was black, with a white feather design on the back.

He recognised the brand, Infinty. The brand he got his (or Sunoo's) hoodie from.

Riki wondered who that stranger was. He smiled lightly, taking his groceries and heading back to the dorms.

That encounter was unexpected, but not unwanted.


25th June

Finally, the day Ni-ki hated (or didn't) had finally ended.

It was Saturday today, so he should be happy because there was no school.

But he's not. Because he had to go to work today, and he hated that damn job.

Especially because his boss was a damn jerk. But he needed the salary so quitting was definitely not an option. Unless he wanted to be homeless.

His boss was absolutely annoying, but what could he do?

Suck it up and deal with it? Yeah.

Goddamn, what crazy things people do for money.


Riki opened the door to the cafe, wearing a brown apron with a white shirt underneath. It wasn't exactly his ideal work uniform, but it was alright compared to some others.

The bell jingled as he entered, to the smell of savoury treats and delicious drinks.

He walked to the till and organised some things to make it look nicer before waiting for the customers to come in.

And as he looked at the long-ass line, he sighed and put on a 'I'm totally not tired' and 'hurry your ass up and order' smile.


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