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"My heart is racing
I'm trying to keep up
But I'm falling, falling"


25th June

"Here's your coffee, sir" Riki said, smiling brightly as he placed the cup of coffee on the smooth table. The customer nodded, continuing to silently scroll through his phone, not bothering to smile back.

Ni-ki stood there for a minute or two, needing to get the next part of the customer's order but the man didn't even glance at him. The younger cleared his throat silently.


Perhaps the man only came in for drinks. He thought as he went back to the counter to get the next person's order.

He worked in a cosy coffee shop, it was a pretty small business, but it was very popular. And right now there was a long queue of people wanting to get their food.

His coworker, Ta-ki wasn't here today, so he had to do all of the work himself.

Riki put the money in the till and talked to the next customer, "Morning, sir, what can I ge— Sunoo hyung?"

He stopped fiddling with the counter to see if he was mistaken or...

Nope, no mistake. Not a single mistake at all, it was undeniably him. The light green hoodie, the fox shaped eyes, the soft black hair.

Unmistakably Kim Sunoo.
(note from author - idea... that makes a good book title for another story ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)... )

Was this just a coincidence?

How was this guy everywhere?

Ni-ki cleared his throat, "Ehm, what can I get you, Sir?" The word felt foreign on his tongue but oh well.

Sunoo glanced at him for a mere second before looking at the posters, "Large milk tea, strawberry flavoured, and a chocolate filled donut." He said briefly.

The younger nodded, "Cash or card?" He asked as he added the order onto the list. Sunoo didn't reply, he just carelessly swiped his card and went to take a seat.

Riki blinked as he left, he just swiped without even asking the price? Damn... either he was good at mental maths or he was rich as fuck.


After taking a few more customer orders, he was serving burning hot coffee to one of the customers when he was suddenly tripped up by a leg.

He slipped and thought he was going to smash his head onto the ground and embarrass himself.

He braced him self for the laughter, the feel of the burning coffee, the scraping impact on his knees...

But just then, someone grabbed his waist and stopped him from falling.

Fuck, this seems like a k-drama.

"Sorry— oh it's you, Sunoo hyung" Ni-ki smiled as the older pulled him back on his feet.

"Honestly, Riki, you are so clumsy" Sunoo groaned rolling his eyes.

"Hey! I'm not that clumsy... but thanks for catching me, I guess" The younger responded with a pout, a hundred percent believing he was not clumsy at all.

"Whatever you're the clumsiest. But I'll always catch you when you fall"


His eyes widened as the burning coffee spilled over the person, instead of him.

He stood up straight and looked, realising in shock that it was Sunoo.

"Shit, sorry" Riki panicked as he saw the coffee stain, "was that shirt expensive? Is the coffee hot? Do you need compensation? Are you hurt? Will you sue the shop? Are you going to tell my manager? Will you get me fired?! Do you—"

"Can you stop talking for one second?" Sunoo snapped, his voice harsh.

Riki's lips automatically turned into a small pout. He couldn't help it, it was one of his habits.

"Wipe that stupid thing off your face" Sunoo scoffed, rolling his dark eyes. Ni-ki scoffed back in response, biting the inside of his lip to stop pouting, "jerk", he muttered under his breath.

The older started taking again, "Well, I expect a compensation for my shirt—" "OH CRAP! How much is it?" Riki interrupted loudly.

Sunoo thought for a minute, "£50, but just for you I'll make it £100."

Riki froze, his jaw dropping, "why double it?!" He glares in astonishment.

"Because you're worth double."

Was that a compliment or an insult?


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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