2 {Married}

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Italic: Thinking or Highlight.
Bold: Important or Povs.
Bold+Italic: Talking.
Underline: Spolier or Related to next parts.


"Kang Y/N do you take the thirteen of them as your husbands?" "Yes." "Do all thirteen of you take Kang Y/N as your wife?" "Yes" They said in Unison.

"Now you all are officially Husbands and Wife." The prist announcd that I am officially a wife.

A wife of thirteen men. Thirteen Bussiness men.
Arranged Married.
No Love no nothing.
Just Arranged.

How the three days before 'My Marriage' went off I don't even know. The precious times with Yeri just went by in a blink of my eye.

"You may now take the blessing of the elders and others present." There weren't many people, expect our parents and some know people.

We all went down the stage to Appa. He first hugged me and I can see tears in hs eyes.

"Look at you now, all grown up and married. Congratulations my baby." He caressed my face and placed a light kiss on my forehead. "And you all..."

He looked towards my husbands. "And you all. I have married my precious little sweetheart to you all..."

He held Seungcheol's hand in his. "Promise me to take care of her and..." He took a glance at me.

"And...never let her get even a little strach in my absence." Tears fell on his cheeks. I quickly wiped them "Appa"

"Nae Aaboji *Father-in-law* We will always take care of her and..." He *Seungcheol* took a glance at his brothers and me. "And we will always keep her safe and happy."

My lips curled up into a small smile, listening to his words. He returned it back showing him cute dimples.

We moved on and there she was...

The Dumbest yet Cute yet clumsy girl...My Best Friend, My Sister, My Yeri.

She wrapped me in a tight hug and I felt my shoulder getting wetter. She broke the hug and giggled looking all around my face.

"Yaaa~ Paboyaaa~ Congratulations. Now you are not the stupid, clumsy girl, I once knew. Now you are a woman, a lady of your gentlemen."

She showed her bright smile. "And Yes gentlemen...please do take care of my Pabo and if you don't I will kick you out of the world." Everyone smiled and giggled at her words.

"We will. We will always." The one who looked like an angel from the heaven said looked straight into my eyes and I gave a soft smile.

"You should always. And also never forget. You are my first love and will always be mine." She reminded me."Yes ma'am."

Everyone giggled and chuckled at my and Yeri's conversation. We moved and now we were infront of my Aaboji, Their Father, Mr. Choi.

I bowed 90 degree. He patted my head and made me face him. "Congrats, my dear. You look even better like this. A little cute angel."

Me and my Husbands giggled at my Aboji's word and I also got a tint of pink on my cheeks.

He smiled and I smiled back softly. "And yes boys as Yuntae said...'Never' let her get even a little scratch." My husband's nodded in sync at their father's words.

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