What we truly need

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We are truly blessed,
But how blind are we to see it!

We ought to dream so big and vivid,
Yet we act so small!

to live in this world is a precious gift,but we are not willing to accept it.

Live for the present moments,
For none knows what tomorrow holds.

gratitude is medicine to oneself
arrogance is poison that sickens,an already existing wound that lives within.

Live with love,
For it is music to the ears,
Help one another,
Do not despise your neighbour.

life is not a race,life is a journey
where we dwell for meaning behind our living.

Dismantle this philosophy,
It drives hate and comparison.

"Every man for themselves."

Embrace this philosophy,
For it brings love and compassion.

"Live for one another,and you shall live again."

One can't help everyone,
But someone can help anyone,
And everyone needs to help someone.

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