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Third person pov

Jimin and jungkook are finally graduated. Jimin scored 992 and became the college 2nd topper. The first mark is 997. He felt disappointed in himself because he thought he would be the college topper. But melliva and leora were really delighted with the marks. They felt proud of him. Jungkook was college's 4th topper, his score is 987.

Jimin has to finish one more degree to write the exam for fashion designing which his dream, goal everything.

On the wedding day

The wedding is taking place in one of the royal moon goddess temple. They planned the wedding in the ancient style and decided to have reception in evening in the hotel. The ancient custom is - the omega has to walk down the asile with his/her father in the red carpet decorated with rose petals, his/her father has to give their hand to their alpha. The omega's face should be covered with veil. After that they should do thier wedding ritual and finally the vows.

Jimin is sitting in front of the huge mirror emotionlessly while some professional omega makeup artists are doing his makeup. They finished his makeup and now wearing his ornaments.

                     (Jimin's hanbok)

"Jimin are you ready" leora asked while entering the room, she suddenly gasped cupping her mouth while looking at jimin

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"Jimin are you ready" leora asked while entering the room, she suddenly gasped cupping her mouth while looking at jimin.

"I can't jimin, on that day I said you're giving tough to moon goddess just for fun but now you're really giving tough to the moon goddess herself. The beauty itself will be jealous of your unrealistic beauty." Leora said dramatically, jimin is not in the state of bickering back.

"Jimin" leora called, jimin just hummed.

"I wanna talk to him alone" leora said, and the everyone left the room leaving the siblings alone.

"Minnie" jimin looked at her, she held his hand and made him to stand.

"Minne look at me baby" leora held his chin and looked at his eyes, she noticed the tears and felt sad.

"See I can understand your feelings, I know you're not ready for this marriage but you see jungkook is really a good life partner, I'm sure he will take care of you. You don't need to take everything so fast, take your time, try to understand each other. Then step ahead. Okay love?" Leora said while cupping jimin's cheeks,

"I'm gonna miss you" Jimin whispered, leora pulled him into a warm hug.

"I will also miss you" leora kissed his forehead and smiled at him.

"Now come let's go"

Meanwhile with jungkook

                (Jungkook's hanbok)

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