Stuck in Snow/Ice

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Day 1 Art: Sharing Clothes - DDW

Day 2 Story: Stuck in Snow/Ice - H20 Vanoss

Remember the art has nothing to do with the story lmao, it's just day one of the challenge. Anyway hope yall enjoy!


Evan opened his door, curious as to who was knocking. He wasn't expecting anything, he hadn't even ordered pizza. He frowned at the man standing there, tilting his head.

"Special delivery for the batowl!" The man said cheerfully, holding a couple boxes of pizza up. Evan blinked, he knew that voice.

"What the fuck, Delirious?" He gasped and the man laughed, which just cemented it. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"You were complaining about Christmas, so I decided to come make it better! Tada!" Delirious said with a grin, holding his arms up as well as he could holding the pizza.

Evan took the boxes and set them on the table next to the door before grabbing Delirious' gloved hands and yanking him into a tight hug.

"Holy fuck you're here! How'd you get here? How'd you know my address?" Evan demanded and Delirious grinned. "I asked Brock, told him I wanted to send you some presents. Then I got on a plane, you know those big machines that fly in the sky. They can travel super fast-" he started explaining and Evan rolled his eyes.

"Okay smartass, come on in, you're letting all the hot air out," he said amused and Delirious grinned, picking up his suitcase and following Evan around.

"So this is the famous Owl Nest, huh? Where does the batowl make his music?" He asked curiously and Evan shook his head. "I'll give you a tour and show you where you're sleeping, come on," he said amused and Delirious grinned.

Evan reached over and took his suitcase from him, leaving Delirious with only his carry on. He ignored his look and carried it upstairs, going to the guest room across the hall from his.

"Here's where you can stay, it should be comfortable yeah?" He asked as he set the bag down by the door. Delirious looked around and nodded, smiling brightly.

"How long are you staying?" Evan asked and Delirious said, "My return ticket is in 9 days, and I've got plenty of videos queued so I'm good."

Evan beamed, overly excited that his best friend was here. He'd never seen his face before, and now he's just here, he couldn't wrap his head around it.

He led him through the house, pointing out the rooms and whatnot. They ended up spending nearly 20 minutes in the music room, Delirious rushing around to look at all his guitars nearly the whole time.

"You brought pizza you know, we should go eat it before it gets any colder," he said amused and Delirious put down the guitar he was holding, smiling sheepishly.

"Yeah, you right," he agreed and Evan chuckled, leading him down the stairs. "So, since you're here, wanna go ice skating? I was planning on going this afternoon to the lake," he asked as they sat down with the pizzas in the living room.

"I have never ice skated in my life," Delirious admitted and Evan grinned. "I'm a good teacher, I promise you'll only fall once or twice," he said with a wink and Delirious made a face at him.

"Do I even have the clothes needed for ice skating?" He asked and Evan shrugged. "If you've got sweats and a long sleeve, I've got the thermals and a coat you can borrow. And the skates, I've got several pairs," he coaxed and Delirious let out a long sigh.

"Okayyy fine, we can go skate. But then I wanna make snowmen," he insisted and Evan whooped. Delirious laughed and took a bite of his pizza, looking around the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2023 ⏰

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