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Victoria hugged Max. He wasn't able to talk just like that. His sobs wouldn't let him do so. They both sat down. He couldn't even look at her in the eyes. He knew that he was wrong. And being told that he's wrong by his favourite family member made him feel even worse. "I am a bad person Vic.." he managed to say. Victoria only sighed at his words.

"You are not a bad person Max, you were just lost. And confused. You didn't know what's right for you. You were still holding on to the past. Without realizing. I can't blame you but I can't take your side either. You need to apologise to her. But if you don't feel like it. Let her be happy.." Victoria said and he caressed his back. "She hates me Vic, I can't blame her. But I feel like I should apologise. I need to. And I also have to accept the consequences of my own actions.." Max said. He tried his best to wipe his eyes and not make himself look like he was crying.

"What are you planning to do..?" She asked. "I mean I can only ask Horner to invite her to the last Grand Prix of the season. It won't look suspicious. And then I'll get some time to talk to her. I hope that it will work. It better.." he said after a loud shy. "This will do, if she's hesitant I'll try to persuade her or something. As a friend to a friend.." Victoria said. Max only nodded. He excused himself after some time because he wanted to go find Christian. Victoria pulled out her phone to text you, deciding not to spoil Max'a plan.

I hope you are up
I talked to Max

You did what?
How did he take it?
Did he yell at you?
I am sorry if I caused any kind of a tension

He actually started crying
After all I am his favorite family member
I feel like he finally understood some things
How are you?

Honestly I don't know how to feel
I am quite surprised and relieved at the same time
Thanks a lot for your help Victoria

No worries
I am happy for you
You got your spark back y/n

Some hours after you received a phone call from your dad. It was kinda random and sudden but you picked it up. "Hello, what's up dad..?" you asked with curiosity. "Hello y/n, how have you been.." you heard your dad asking from the other line. "I mean I am good dad, what's the matter..?" you asked again. "I know that this is kinda sudden, but would you like to attend the last race. It would honour me a lot. And the team as well. I want you to be beside me during the last race of the year..?".

You didn't speak for a moment. He almost thought that you hanged up. "I mean, I don't have anything planned. As long as you won't make me work.." you replied with a sarcastic tone. "No of course not. But the season's results are good thanks to you. So yes we need you for the last race.." he said "Okay then.." you replied to him. "I'll send you the hotel info.." he said. You could hear the happiness in his voice

Hello platonic boyfriend
Can I be honest real quick

Wah wah wah
Platonic boyfriend!?
What's the matter y/n

Guess who's also going to the Abu Dhabi gp

Are you coming?
Great I am gonna tell Charles

No no
We aren't telling Charles
I want to surprise him

I like your way of thinking
I am excited now y/n
See you soon

Me too Pierre
Take care 🫶🏻

You smiled on the phone and got up from the couch. You walked to your room to grab a suitcase and start packing. At this point you were used to it. After some time your suitcase was already done. You let your mom know about that decision of yours and let the day pass. Your dad sent you an email with all the flight and the hotel information you needed.

You had forgotten how it felt to travel almost every day. The next morning you took a taxi to the airport. The flight was quite long but not tiring. A red bull chauffeur picked you up from the airport and took you to the hotel. You texted your dad saying that you are already there. You checked out and went to your room.

I am hereeee

Hello y/n
I just finished a training session
Shall we meet up later?
What are we going to do with Charles?

I'll come to your room
And you'll invite Charles over
And then somehow you'll bring me as a topic
And then I'll magically appear from the balcony or something

Be here in 45 minutes
Room 505

✌️ See ya

You lay on your bed with a big smile on your face. You were happy to finally meet up with your favourite people. You changed into a better outfit and waited for the minutes to pass. Soon enough you were outside Pierre's door. You knocked on it and he opened it almost immediately. "Oh y/n" he said and gave you a big hug "Hello Pierre, oh damn I missed you so much.." you said with a smile.

You spent some lovely minutes talking to each other before he received a call from Charles "Oh yes Charles, you'll be here in 5 minutes? Okay I'll make sure that you can see my bedroom's floor" you heard him saying trying to hold your laughter. You smiled as he signed you to go to the balcony. You hid outside and waited.

After some minutes you heard loud noises from Pierre's room. Stuff like "Oh my god mate been a while since I saw you in practice.." "For real I missed you so much.." you heard them laugh. "How do you feel about the last race of the season.." Pierre asked. "I mean pretty good, I just wish that y/n was here with me. You know my lucky charm, for the last race.." you heard Charles say

"Careful what you wish for.." Pierre said and walked to the balcony opening the door for you. You made your way back to the room. Charles' eyes lit up when he saw you. You two ran and hugged each other. He hugged you so tight that it felt like it would be the last hug he could give you. "I hate surprises, they make me seem dumb.." you heard Charles saying.

"I don't mind dating a dumb Charlie as long as he's happy that I am here.." you said with a dumb smile formed on your lips. He smiled and kissed your lips softly yet passionately. "Excuse me lovebirds but go get a room. And with a room I don't mean my hotel room.." Pierre said in the background. You smiled and mocked Pierre's accent along with Charles.

He just rolled his eyes but he joined you when you started talking about your life in England. It felt so good to finally have your favourite people around you. You decided to go get dinner all together. In the meantime you met up with your dad and finally spent some bonding time with him. You felt like you were a child again. You two discussed about the last race's strategy and he made sure to listen to your comments.

Final countdown till the end of the book? An emotional moment for me! Do you thing that Max will get his chance to talk to y/n? How's the last race of the season going to go? Leave a like and a comment if you liked the chapter. See you on the next one

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