Apo origin (part one)

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A strange world this was, demons stood at the foot of their wrath, flames shrouded houses from view as they burned in an eternal flame. The screams didn't faze the creatures as they laughed at the carnage. They left destruction no matter where they went. And gave nobody mercy.

Apo lived a strange life. Growing up in a war between people and creatures of hell tends to do something to you. He grew up in a family of fierce fighters and swift archers. His family had basically been raised to slaughter demons. But he wasn't old enough to fight yet according to his mother and father, so he stayed in the village boundaries, watching the adults train for future bloodshed. That was the life he lived growing up. Until he turned nine. He didn’t expect to start training that early, but he was told that it was for the better, so they could have more fighters sooner. At first it was normal,  shoot dummies and birds, shoot rabbits, and so on. And then, on his tenth birthday, he was told that today he would have a special training session.

"Apo, my boy! Are ye ready for this special day of training?" Barmarir, his trainer, asked him.
"As ready as I can be! What are we working on? Archery, throwing knives, maybe learning to use a katana finally?" He asked hopefully. Barmarir chuckled, "None of that is special enough for a young fighter's birthday! Ye' just have to wait until I show you." As they neared the archery fields, Barmarir stopped him and held out a piece of cloth. "A blindfold." He said as he placed it into Apo's hands. After placing it over his eyes, they walked to what Apo was sure was the archery grounds. "Ight my boy, you can take ye blindfold off, don't scream." Apo slipped his blindfold off of his face. The first thing he saw was a brunette kid, about the same age as him, who wore a simple faded orange sweater. Before he could ask why a kid was there he noticed their other features, the kid had small orange horns and a long tail. "It's a demon!" Apo exclaimed, taking a step back. Barmarir chuckled, "That's very good apo, you managed to identify a demon before it could attack. Now what can you tell me about this demon?" He told him, looking down at apo. "Well, it's only young, so I can't exactly tell what type it is, but I'd guess it came from… one of the more hot biomes seeing the color of the horns,

But then again I can't exactly be sure." He paused. "Why did you bring it here?" He asked hesitantly. Barmarir pulled out a bow and drew an arrow,
"since you're getting older, and it's ye birthday, we decided to make it special.” He aimed at the demon and shot, the arrow just missed the kids head and the demon jumped away in terror. “So we got you a demon to see how it feels to shoot a living one.” Apo froze for a second. “You want me to..kill it?” He asked hesitantly as Barmarir handed him the bow. The demon seemed to be trembling with fear, ‘poor thing must be terrified’ Apo thought as he drew an arrow. “But why? It's only a kid like me! That's cruel!” He clutched the arrow to his chest, Barmarir put his hand on Apo's shoulder. “But you know what's even more cruel? The things that its kind do to our villages, our kin slaughtered for no reason other than for fun. It's just trying to trick us, you know that if you hesitate long enough it will strike. So go on, take a shot.” Apo raised the bow with shaking arms, drawing it fully. He aimed at the tiefling, right in between its eyes. The.. thing backed away into the training dummy behind it fearfully. Apo could feel Barmarir watching him, the same amber eyes that had observed him as he trained for two years. Now watching him kill the enemy that had terrorized their people for hundreds of years.

(691 words)

This is honestly just a work in progress, I already have quite a bit of the first chapter written just waiting to be put on here for people to see, though I am a bit hesitant to post the stuff I have written on here, so if anyone reads this, tell me if I should maybe?
Ty for reading :]:]:]

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