Chap-23 "Bachelorette party"

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Tae: Jisoo!!! Hello!!!! Jisoo.....

Jisoo: tae.........

*she fell unconscious and the hooded guy took her with him*

*on call*

Guy: yeah we got her... Now we will wait for him to arrive.

soon tae arrived at the house and was shocked on seeing the situation.
Jisoo's phone was lying on the ground.
Tae quickly went to pick it up.

As soon as he bend down he saw the same guy standing behind him. He quickly stood up and punched him in the face.

Tae: tell me!!Where is jisoo???

*he punched him again*

Another man came from behind and sprayed choloform onto tae's face and he went unconscious.


*he fell down*

Man: ahh!! He's heavy!!

Guy: stop talking we don't have enough time Let's go.

Man: yeah ok....

*they took them in a car and went away*

Soon they reached a location, jisoo and tae were taken to seperate rooms.

*Tae was regaining his conscious back*

Man: should I wake him up??

Women: yeah wake him and get him dressed.

The man tried to wake tae and by this time tae was back to his senses. He quickly got up and removed his face mask.

Tae: how dare you!!!!

Man: yaaa not again!!!!

*tae was shocked to see the person standing infront of him*

Tae: kai!!!!

Kai: yeah, it's me please don't punch me again.

Jennie: yaa I told you to be careful.

Tae: wha....What's going on here?? You kidnapped me?? And jisoo where is she?!!! Is she ok??

Jennie: don't worry she is safe in my room.

Tae: where are we and why did you kidnap us??

Jennie: we are in a hotel to celebrate you both bachelors party.

Tae: what!!...

Jennie: yes and we wanted to make it memorable so we planned to kidnap you both.

Tae: not funny....

Jennie: we are sorry we didn't wanted to scare you. Anyways you get ready everyone will arrive soon. I go and wake up jisoo.

Tae: ok...

*Jennie went to the room where jisoo was present*

She sprinkled few drops of water onto jisoo's face and jisoo got back to her senses.

Jisoo: whe.....where.... am ....I....

Jennie: your with me soo.

*Jennie bend down looking at jisoo*

Jisoo: jennie!!

*she quickly got up hitting Jennie's head*

Jennie: yaa!!! My head!!!

Jisoo: you..... you know I was kidnapped!!! Did you save me?? Thanks for saving me.!!

Jennie: actually we kidnapped you.

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