The Time I Want To Stop Today

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It wasn't just chilly out, it was probably just as cold inside the classroom. Although winter should have begun a while ago, only now there was snow, also very infrequently. It annoyed Minho that this year December seemed to be more dimly grey once again. Which was weird, because usually Christmas was one of his lesser interests, of course he had always liked the presents and the cozy evenings, but that was about it.

"So", started their teacher, pulling out a plastic bowl, "because Christmas is basically around the corner, we are going to do Secret Santa for this year again."

With the end of that announcement, a wave of groans and cheers rolled through the class, a mixture that sounded kind of weird to the black haired. The teacher started going around with the bowl, which most likely contained each of their names.

When the adult arrived at his desk, waiting for him to pick one of the little pieces of paper, Minho was the first one to pull, so he could still get basically anyone. Silently he slipped his hand into the bowl, grabbing one of the names and took it into his closed fist. Only when his teacher moved on, he opened his hand, before unfolding the slip. A bit too excitedly he looked for the name on it.


Minho's first thought was: Who? His second: Out of all the people, really. He let out a resigned breath. It wasn't that he had a problem with Jisung. But he didn't see anything positive in him either. He was like a blank canvas, a white sheet of paper without any lines or words. Which, usually wouldn't matter, but right now he needed those words, something for him to be able to fixate his idea around.

There was nothing.

He sighed, sinking back into his seat slightly. Without drawing too much attention, he glanced over to the boy who he only knew the name of. Han Jisung. There he was, chestnut brown hair framing his dark chocolate like eyes, reading the name he had gotten. For a second the boy tilted his head before (also a little carefully) lifting his gaze. He met that of Minho.

A little too quick, the black haired turned his head away. If only I knew at least something about him, he basically whined in his thoughts.

"You don't look too happy about your pull," said his seatmate, Seungmin. As a reply he just shook his head lightly, letting it sink onto the desk afterwards. Then, following a bit of silence, he turned his face a little more towards his friend.

The best he could do was just to not think of this, they still had quite a while until they needed to have their presents. He'd burn that bridge when he got to it.

Then he gave a brief grin. "Who did you pull?", he asked Seungmin.


"Well, I pulled Seungmin.", Chan said, shrugging before sipping at his hot coffee. They had stopped by a small cafe right after school, because Chan, as always, hadn't gotten his eight hours of sleep.

Jisung burried his hands in his pockets, and his face in his hoodie. His eyes flew upwards. Even the sky looked as if it had been covered in a fresh pile of snow, mirroring the ground on which they were walking.
"Well that's good for you then, but I haven't ever even spoken a word to Minho.", he complained. It was really unfortunate that he had to pull one of the students he didn't interact with at all.

His older friend produced a few little clouds in front of his face as he chuckled. "Then start talking to him. I mean", he flashed him a glance with expecting eyes, "you have at least said hello to each other sometimes, right?" The brunette boy stayed quiet, not answering that question.

"I don't know, okay? I don't talk to a lot of people, and certainly not to ones who sit on the other side of the classroom."
"I talk to—"
"You're a social butterfly and extremely likable.", he cut the older off, "That doesn't count."

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