Part : 1 Ghost's?

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After the incident at Guanyin Temple, everything was cleared. Lan Zhan brought Wei Wuxian back to cloud recesses, although at first Lan Qiren strictly opposed the idea, but at the end he had to accept Wei Wuxian, as if he hadn't, Lan Zhan probably would have left the sect.

Everyone was happy, giving the couple blessings, while at the same place, a few were busy trying their best to find flaws but couldn't object to it as the Wangxian marriage ceremony was held in cloud recesses.


Author POV

Now it has been three years since the incident at Guanyin Temple happened. It's 6:00 a.m. in the morning, and the sweet chirping sound of birds can be heard. A pair of white boots calmly took steps to walk forward. The man wore a white forehead ribbon with cloud patterns; his skin was fair; and his features were both refined and elegant, as if he were a piece of polished jade. The color of his eyes was light; there was not a single speck of dust or wrinkles on him, from head to toe. It was impossible to find any flaws in his appearance; he was none other than Lan Zhan, the second young master of Gusu Lan, who was walking towards the Jingshi.

"Wei ying, wake up." said Lan Zhan, trying to wake up his husband from sleep.
"Just a few more minutes." mumbled the boy, covering his ears.

Lan Zhan lifted him in bridal style as he took him to take a bath. Lan Zhan took off his robes and placed him in a bath tub, starting to wash his hair. Wei Wuxian opened his eyes and smiled fondly at his husband's behavior. Lan Zhan began to wash his body, rubbing his back carefully, not to do any shameful acts as they were getting late. After bathing him for half an hour, Lan Zhan picked up his husband, wiped his body, and got him dressed, while Wei Wuxian was just enjoying his princess treatment, as he had been used to it for years.

"Lan Zhan, are you okay? Do you have a fever?" asked Wei Wuxian, giving a teasing smile to his husband, whose face was all red.

"Shufu sent a message asking for our presence." said Lan Zhan, changing the topic.


Everyone, including Lan Xichen, is curious to find out the reason for the urgent meeting, as an emergency doesn't suit Lan's. Lan Qiren came in and addressed everyone to start the meeting, explaining why they were here.

"Everything is fine, uncle?" questioned Lan Xichen, as it was pretty rare to call urgent meetings.

"News comes that people are disappearing." Everyone gasped, excluding Lan Zhan, upon hearing what Master Lan said.

"I didn't quit get it... disappeared?" said Lan Lushi. An elder lady from Lan sect.

"It's that, many people are missing; there are already twenty-seven cases in a month." said Lan Qiren.

"Twenty-seven cases means people are kidnapped?" asked Wei Wuxian with a slight worry.

"The cases are quite high; uncle, I will immediately start an investigation about this matter." said Lan Xichen with a humble smile, trying to ease the worrisome environment. Everyone nodded as they agreed.

"The matter is not that simple." Lan Qiren spoke, grabbing everyone's attention.

"What?" asked Wei Wuxian, trying to understand the matter.

"The news is from Nightless City." said Lan Qiren.

"Nightless city..." said Lan Zhan for the first time in the meeting.

"Yes, the missing people's families are implying that they disappeared because of some kind of ghost's." continued Lan Qiren in a serious tone.

"Ghost's?" Wei Wuxian gave a questionable look to Lan Qiren.
"There is a rumor claiming that before the people disappeared, their skin got gray; they even tried to attack everyone around them and cause destruction, then suddenly lifted in the air and disappeared." replied Lan Qiren.

"Intresting!" exclaimed Wei Wuxian, getting excited for the upcoming mystry. However, received glares from Lan Qiren and other elders. Lan Zhan felt like face palming himself but didn't, trying to maintain his character.

"The case is quite complicated, so Wangji and a-xian will investigate this matter." said Lan Xichen.

"Okay, now it's final. We will leave for Nightless City in the evening." said Wei Wuxian immediately, finding it adventurous.

"Wangji, take the juniors with you." said Lan Qiren, as it will provide the juniors, new experience.

"Mn." said Lan Zhan, giving the world's shortest reply that would have been possible.

"The meeting is over; everyone can head back now." said Lan Qiren.

Juniors were quite happy after finding out that they were going to travel with their favorite Hanguang-Jun and Senior Wei.

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