6. dinner

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No ones pov:

Y/n sat on the left side of the dinning table with isagi in front of her and nagi beside her, her parents sitting on the end of the table,

"I hope the two of you are taking care of my daughter? Right? " M/n asked as she smiled at the two males who were glaring at each other,

"Yes, of course! " Isagi replied as he turned his gaze away from nagi, while the snowy haired male did the same and nodded at the woman's question,

"Than, I hope you keep on taking care of her" The elderly woman said as the two males nodded their heads

"Mom, can you stop that and let yoichi senphai and nagi senphai eat their foods?. . " Y/n spoke as she glanced at her mom with a tired face,

"Oh dear, I got so caught up with the talks that I almost forgot that we are eating right now" The woman laughed as she gestured the two teens to begin eating their foods,

Y/n's father continued eating his food quietly

The dinner was not that awkward-

"So, dou you both like my daughter? " M/n smiled as she gave the two boys a closed eyed smile

"Pft-!? " Y/n choked on her food as she was shocked by her mother's sudden out of the blue question

"Yes" The two males replied in union with a determined voice

'And the fuck is up with the two of you!?' Y/n looked at the two males with a slightly red face as she stared at the two with a disbeliefed expression,

"Ahem" F/n coughs as if trying to gain everyone's attention,

"The two of you-" Y/n Father's spoke

'Oh shot!' The said girl was nervously looking at her father and her two senphais

"My daughter-" F/n stops mid sentence as he looked at his daughter,

Y/n was practically glaring at him, well in his eyes, but she was actually trying to telepathy him not to encourage her mother action or her two senphai's either,

F/n gulped, as he Sweatdropped at his daughter's reaction

"Ahem, both of you are still young maybe after graduation- " Y/n's dad continued,

"Alright, that's enough!" Y/n slammed her hand on the table not that hard but enough to gain everyone's attention, she smiled at them nervously

"Nagi senphai, isagi senphai seems like the two of you are done, so why don't we head out? " She quickly stood from her seat, the duo nodded as they did the same,

'Shit this is so awkward!' Y/n mentally screamed

"Ah. . It's getting kind of late isn't it.?. . " Y/n spoke nervously trying to break the awkward silence,

"Right, it is kinda late" Isagi answered,

"I should get going than.. " The blueish haired male continued as he sounded a bit disappointed

"Don't be disappointed yoichi senpai, we can just hang out tomorrow, you know? " The girl chuckled

"Yes your right" Isagi also chuckled, he than glanced at nagi who was still beside y/n, isagi's smile soon changed into a frown

"Aren't you going too nagi?. . " Isagi asked with a neutral face

"No, I'm staying over at y/n's house. . " Nagi replied while staring at isagi with a smirk while standing behind y/n

"What?. . " Isagi asked surprised and confused

"Ah. . Yea, he's right actually. . " Y/n replied somehow feeling guilty?. .

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