Time Machine? Mesin Waktu?

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Ini adalah Ray di manga, tepatnya setelah dia kabur dan sedang tinggal di dalam shelter milik minerva bersama yuugo. Singkat cerita bagaimana Ray/Giyuu bisa menjadi Pemburu Iblis, saat dia baru saja ingin ke dunia manusia bersama yang lainnya, dia seperti tertarik sesuatu dan munculah dia di dunia Pemburu Iblis ini, lalu ceritanya sesuai dengan yang diceritakan lagi. (mohon maaf jika tidak manuk akal)

Ray pov:

Aku baru saja terbangun dari tidurku, tetapi aku melihat bahwa aku terbangun bukan di shelter yang aku tempati, aku seperti ada dihutan? pemandanganku kabur karna mungkin aku diserang sesuatu, namun aku melihat seseorang yang membawaku untuk diobati, satu orang itu memakai jepitan kupu kupu dan rambut berwarna hitam dan ungu,
Dan setelah aku melihat pemandangan sekilas itu, aku tidak sadarkan diri alias pingsan.

Nobody pov:

Ray terbangun dan dia seperti berada di ruangan dan dia sedang terbaring dikasur, dia melihat wanita yang dilihatnya tadi, lalu Ray bertanya.

Ray: D-dimana aku? anda siapa?!

??? : Kamu sedang berada di mansion kupu kupu ku. Namaku Shinobu Kocho, aku melihat kamu sedang terbaring dan terluka di hutan, jadi aku membawamu kesini untuk diobati.

Ray: e-eh?

Ray bingung karena dia seharusnya berada di shelter, lalu.. luka? Ray tidak pernah memiliki luka (kecuali luka dikuping), lalu dia melihat ke tangan dan kakinya, benar-benar terluka dan sekarang sedang di perban. Bagaimana ini bisa terjadi? pikirnya.

Shinobu: Kenapa kamu ada dihutan malam malam dan sendirian? Bisa saja para iblis mengincarmu lho~

Ray terkejut karna wanita ini mengetahui tentang keberadaan iblis, dia ragu apakah Shinobu itu sekutu dengannya atau musuh.

Ray: Iblis? Kau mengetahui nya?

Shinobu: Ara ara~ Tentu saja aku tau, karna aku adalah anggota dari pemburu iblis~

Ray: (pemburu iblis katanya?)

Ray semakin bingung  karna dia tidak pernah dengar tentang Pemburu iblis, yang ia tau adalah Seseorang yang berhasil kabur dan bertahan hidup. Dia tidak pernah mendengar tentang Pemburu iblis.



This is Ray in the manga, exactly after he ran away and was living in Minerva's shelter with Yuugo. The short story is how Ray/Giyuu became a Demon Hunter, when he just wanted to go to the human world with the others, he seemed to be attracted by something and he appeared in this Demon Slayer world, then the story is as told again. (sorry if it doesn't make sense)

Ray POV:

I just woke up from my sleep, but I saw that I didn't wake up in the shelter I was in, it seemed like I was in the forest? My view was blurry because maybe I was attacked by something, but I saw someone taking me to be treated, that one person was wearing a butterfly clip and black and purple hair,
And after I saw that glimpse, I became unconscious, aka fainted.

Nobody pov:

Ray woke up and he seemed to be in the room and he was lying on the bed, he saw the woman he saw earlier, then Ray asked.

Ray: W-where am I? Who are you?!

??? : You are in my butterfly mansion. My name is Shinobu Kocho, I saw you lying and injured in the forest, so I brought you here to be treated.

Ray: e-eh?

Ray is confused because he was supposed to be at the shelter, then.. injured? Ray never had a wound (except a ear wound), then he looked at his hands and feet, they were really injured and now in bandages. How could this happen? he thought.

Shinobu: Why are you in the forest at night and alone? The demons could be after you, you know~

Ray was surprised that this woman knew about the existence of demons, he doubted whether Shinobu was an ally with him or an enemy.

Ray: Demon? Do you know that?

Shinobu: Ara ara~ Of course I know, because I am a member of the demon slayers~

Ray: (demon slayer she said?)

Ray was increasingly confused because he had never heard of a Demon Slayer, what he knew was someone who managed to escape and survive. He had never heard of Demon Slayer.


Aku sudah capek padahal masih segini, sampai jumpa di chapter selanjutnya!

I'm already tired even though it's still like this, see you in the next chapter!

Giyuu as Ray {Ray come to the future) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang